Most GOP Primary :1Voters A New Hampshire Exit.


Most GOP Primary :1Voters A New Hampshire Exit.
Most GOP Primary :1Voters A New Hampshire Exit.
Most GOP Primary :1Voters A New Hampshire Exit.
Most GOP Primary :1Voters A New Hampshire Exit.


Most GOP primary voters aren’t MAGA, but most would be happy with a Trump nomination, according to a New Hampshire exit poll

According to the preliminary findings of CNN’s exit poll, the voters who attended Tuesday’s GOP presidential primary in New Hampshire were less ardent conservatives and less affiliated with the Republican Party than the participants in last week’s Iowa caucuses.

Nonetheless, GOP primary voters demonstrated a strong willingness to support former President Donald Trump over his remaining opponent, former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, even in a state less likely to act as a stronghold for him.

Early exit poll results showed that roughly two-thirds of New Hampshire GOP primary voters identified as conservative, with roughly one-quarter describing themselves as very conservative prudent.

The majority stated that they did not identify with the “Make America Great Again” movement, which was coined by Trump in 2016.

These figures provide a very different context from the Iowa Caucuses, where almost half identified as MAGA and nearly nine out of ten described themselves as conservative.

Most GOP Primary :1Voters A New Hampshire Exit.

However, about 60% of New Hampshire GOP primary voters stated they would be happy to see Trump win the nomination and that they would still think he was qualified to serve as president even if he were found guilty of a crime.

Exit polls are a useful tool for determining the political beliefs and demographics of primary voters. Exit polls, like all surveys, are approximations rather than exact representations of the electorate.

This is especially true for the initial set of exit poll results, which have not yet been adjusted for weight to correspond with the primary results. However, the outcomes offer an indication of the kinds of voters who are participating.

According to the exit poll, almost three-quarters of Republican-registered voters supported Trump, showing that they broke strongly for him.

About two-thirds of voters who identified as undeclared, the state’s term for independent voters, supported Haley, giving her a sizable, if less decisive, lead.

Additionally, a clear educational divide existed among the state’s GOP primary voters, mirroring a division that is regularly observed within the Republican Party.

Most GOP Primary :1Voters A New Hampshire Exit.
Most GOP Primary :1Voters A New Hampshire Exit.
Most GOP Primary :1Voters A New Hampshire Exit.


Roughly 6 out of 10 voters with college degrees supported Haley, compared to about two thirds of voters without one.

About 7 in Ten of the New Hampshire voters who supported Trump identified as Republicans.

Additionally, nearly eight out of ten Trump supporters disagreed that Vice President Joe Biden’s victory in 2020 was legitimate, underscoring the pervasiveness of election denialism among his base. There isn’t any proof that widespread election fraud occurred in 2020.

The majority of Haley’s supporters accepted the results of the 2020 election, and roughly seven out of ten stated they were registered as undeclared prior to Tuesday. These figures almost perfectly mirror each other.

Most GOP Primary :1Voters A New Hampshire Exit.

About three-quarters of Trump’s supporters in New Hampshire say they chose him more than a month ago, indicating that most of them made their decisions early and voted without hesitation.

A comparable percentage stated that they voted for the Fewer people said they liked Trump with reservations or that their vote was primarily motivated by dislike for his rivals, despite the fact that many “strongly favored” him.

In contrast, Haley supporters made their decisions later—the majority within the last month—and frequently with some hesitation.

Approximately 40% of New Hampshire voters who supported Haley said that they did so primarily because they disliked her rivals, while about 33% said they liked her but had some reservations.

Only roughly 33% said they strongly supported Haley.

When asked which of the four personal attributes they valued most in a candidate, about 30% of voters stated they were looking for someone who would stand up for them, and a similar percentage said they were looking for someone who shared their values.

with fewer searching for a contender who could beat Biden or who had the correct temperament.

The most valuable quality, according to Trump’s supporters, is a willingness to fight for them; in contrast, Haley’s supporters were more likely to identify temperament as important than any other quality.

The primary electorate was generally unhappy, with about 80% expressing discontent with the status of the nation.

However, voters who supported Trump were more than three times as likely as those who supported Haley to say they were angry with the direction the US is taking.

And while a small portion of voters believed that their family was significantly falling behind, that group voted heavily for Trump.

The Republican primary voters in New Hampshire
Most GOP Primary :1Voters A New Hampshire Exit.
Most GOP Primary :1Voters A New Hampshire Exit.


Most frequently stated that immigration or the economy was their main concern during the election, while less frequently mentioned foreign policy or abortion.

However, the attitudes of Trump and Haley voters varied greatly on a wide range of issues. About two-thirds of Haley voters believed that undocumented immigrants should be given the opportunity to apply for legal status, whereas about eight out of ten Trump voters believed that the majority of undocumented immigrants in the US should be deported.

Just 3 out of 10 Haley voters agreed with the roughly 50% of Trump voters who felt the US should play a less active role in international affairs than it does now.

While the majority of the state’s supporters of both candidates declared they would be against a federal law prohibiting most or all abortions; this is another contrast with Iowa, where the majority of caucus attendees favored the idea; in New Hampshire, Haley’s supporters were significantly more opposed.

Most GOP Primary :1Voters A New Hampshire Exit.
Most GOP Primary :1Voters A New Hampshire Exit.
Most GOP Primary :1Voters A New Hampshire Exit.


Edison Research conducted the Republican presidential primary exit poll in New Hampshire on behalf of the National Election Pool.

2,029 interviews with Republican primary voters from 40 distinct polling locations are included.

The margin of error for the entire sample’s results is plus or minus 4.0 percentage points, with larger variations for subgroups.


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