Vivek Ramaswamy :1Discovered Conspiracy Idea Now


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Vivek Ramaswamy
Vivek Ramaswamy :1Discovered Conspiracy Idea Now
Vivek Ramaswamy
Vivek Ramaswamy


At last, Vivek Ramaswamy discovered a conspiracy idea that even he finds hard to accept.

In Springfield, Ohio, the former presidential contender hosted a town hall gathering that drew over 300 attendees.

Vivek Ramaswamy did something that shocked him shortly before a man strolled past City Hall with an AR-15 draped over his shoulder.

The Ohio Republican ran for president in 2016 and seemed to enjoy spreading conspiracy theories about anything from the government’s 9/11 deception to the violence at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, which he described as a “inside job.”

Speaking to reporters outside the city hall in Springfield, Ohio, as well as later at a town hall and in an interview with POLITICO, Ramaswamy, however, consistently evaded questions regarding the unfounded allegations made by Donald Trump that here, Haitian migrants were kidnapping and consuming wild animals and pets.

Vivek Ramaswamy Lifestyle

As local authorities cautiously observed the man brandishing the rifle, he declared, “I think the reality is, whether residents of this community are lying or not, that’s, I think, for other people to adjudicate.”

As a result, Ramaswamy’s team canceled plans to conduct a walking interview with a reporter at the town hall venue a short distance away.

“However, it appears that the people in this community have been reaching out for assistance and that the federal government has not been responding to their pleas.”

However, that’s unfortunate since, in my opinion, this is an example of a failing government policy.

It was a break from Ramaswamy’s fulsome embracing of fantastical conspiracies.

While simultaneously acting as a case study for how Republicans are dissembling about Trump’s most recent unfounded allegations about Springfield amid his own 2024 presidential campaign.

Trump isn’t lying, according to Ramaswamy

It is the responsibility of the citizens of this community if the allegations are untrue, as local leaders have stated time and time again.

For aspirational Republicans like Ramaswamy, it’s a risky move.

The biotech entrepreneur has a stake in winning over the former president, as he has been mentioned as a possible candidate for secretary of Homeland Security should Trump win the presidency.

However, as an Ohio politician who has voiced interest in running for senator or governor, he still needs to maintain some credibility in a state where even well-known republicans have chastised Trump for misrepresenting immigrants.

Gov. Mike DeWine, who referred to the urban legends surrounding Haitian migrants as “garbage that was not true,” would select Sen. JD Vance of Ohio as Trump’s running mate.


Vivek Ramaswamy Discovered Conspiracy
Vivek Ramaswamy
Vivek Ramaswamy


Ramaswamy, who devoted a significant portion of his presidential campaign to stumbling upon any news story that even slightly supported his anti-illegal immigration rhetoric, joined the story in Springfield somewhat belatedly, having grown up in the area, played tennis at Wittenberg University, and worked as a sub at Mike and Roy’s Deli.

In addition, he outlined a strategy for Republicans who wish to avoid taking a stand against Trump, who has declared that he will be in the city in the coming days.

despite Mayor Rob Rue’s wishes, but I don’t want to bring up the former president’s allegations that immigrants devour pets.

Blaming the media wasn’t a fresh tactic employed by him. Following his meeting with members of the Haitian community and city authorities, he addressed a group of local and national reporters in front of a City Hall that had been closed due to bomb threats only a few days prior.

The reporters questioned him about if he believed the accusations that dogs were being eaten.

“All right, so I’m not here to discuss the topics that the media has been incredibly obsessed with, like cats and dogs.

That period of time is not relevant here.

We are discussing human people,” he stated.

The matter had been inflamed by Trump and Vance, it remained unsaid and brought it to the notice of reporters.

In a POLITICO interview, he abruptly ended the conversation when asked why, despite embracing others during his candidacy, he neglected to address the particular baseless charges.

“In the past few years, I have spread various conspiracy theories, such as the notion that Corvid originated from a Chinese lab, the possibility that the story about Hunter Biden’s laptop was true on election eve, and the notion that Joe Biden would not be the nominee,” he declared.

I received backlash for saying that at the Republican debate and was called a conspiracy theorist.

Thus, on several of those points, you know, I suppose, if that’s a term that characterizes my speaking

thing turned out to be accurate before anyone else did, so I suppose I’ll have to accept that.


Why, though, did he not reiterate Trump and Vance’s assertion?


“You do realize that I have mentioned immigration?” he asked.

Was this visit to him a political audition for a position in the Cabinet?

He answered, “I’m not trying out for anything.”

A beseeching inquiry on Ramaswamy’s political prospects was posed to him at a stuffy town hall, where he claimed 2,000 people had RSVP’d but the space could only hold slightly more than 300.

He intended to run for governor at some point.


The crowd erupted.


He remarked, “I’m a little more inclined than I was about ten seconds ago.”

The actual town hall, which included not the Haitian population in question, but rather a largely white audience, the focus of one questioner’s complaint was that the Haitians’ drove “nicer cars than most of us.”

Ramaswamy related a tale of how he tried to donate six figures to a local nonprofit but was turned down, wondering if it was because of his political views.

The town hall, however, mostly ignored the more urgent issue of, as Ramaswamy put it, “cats and dogs.”

A man didn’t bring up the subject of “motherless kittens in the alleyways” until almost the beginning of the town hall.

The man enquired, “Where are the mothers?” “All right, so there’s the animal thing, we can’t even take care of the smallest of these, and this isn’t something Kamala should be laughing about,”

Ramanujan neither concurred nor disagreed with him.

Thanking the man, he inquired about his name.

He requested for a round of applause from the audience.

Subsequently, he grinned and faced the subsequent inquirer.



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