A Pregnant Texas Woman Requests: T20 An Exception To The State Abortion Ban From The Court.



A Pregnant Texas Woman Requests: T20 An Exception To The State’s Abortion Ban.

A Pregnant Texas Woman Requests
A Pregnant Texas Woman Requests


A Texas mother seeking an abortion on Tuesday brought what her lawyers claim is the country’s first case of its kind since Roe v. Wade was reversed last year. The woman’s fetus has a fatal diagnosis.

Thirteen states forbid abortions at almost every stage of a pregnancy, including Texas. Despite the fact that Texas permits exceptions, medical professionals and women have contended in court this year that the state’s abortion laws are so onerous and ambiguously drafted that doctors are afraid to perform abortions for fear of possible criminal charges.

Doctors have informed 31-year-old Kate Cox that she is 20 weeks pregnant.
The Austin lawsuit states that her baby’s chances of survival are slim to none and that it will likely only last a week or less. Doctors allegedly told her that because Texas forbids abortions, their “hands are tied.”

The lawsuit states, “Kate Cox needs an abortion, and she needs it now.”

When a message asking for comment was sent, representatives for the Texas attorney general’s office—which has defended the ban in court—did not immediately reply.

The Center for Reproductive Rights’ and Cox’s attorney, Molly Duane, stated on Tuesday that although a hearing has not yet been scheduled by the court, it may take place later this week.

The lawsuit was brought one week following arguments before the Texas Supreme Court regarding whether the ban is overly onerous for women who pregnancy-related issues.

Though a decision from the all-Republican court might not be rendered for months, that case is one of the most significant ongoing challenges to abortion prohibitions in the United States.


A Pregnant Texas Woman Requests: An Exception To The State’s Abortion Ban From The Court.

A Pregnant Texas Woman Requests
A Pregnant Texas Woman Requests


Cox, a mother of two, had prior pregnancies that ended in cesarean sections.

In August, she found out she was expecting her third child, and a few weeks later, she was informed that her unborn child had a high chance of having trisomy 18, which has a poor chance of survival and a high chance of miscarriage or stillbirth, according to the lawsuit.

Because of her previous cesarean sections, the doctors warned Cox that if the baby’s heart stopped, inducing labor would put her at risk of a uterine rupture and that having another cesarean at full term would put her life in danger.
Capacity to bear additional children.

A Pregnant Texas Woman Requests: An Exception To The State’s Abortion Ban From The Court.

A Pregnant Texas Woman Requests
A Pregnant Texas Woman Requests


“The question is not if I will have to say goodbye to my child, but rather when. In a statement, Cox said, “I’m trying to do what’s best for my baby and myself, but the state of Texas is making us both suffer.”

Several Texas women testified movingly in July about carrying babies they knew would not live and about doctors who were unable to perform abortions on them despite their rapidly worsening health.

Later, a judge declared that Texas’ ban was too onerous for pregnant women experiencing difficulties; however, the state quickly appealed, and the ruling was immediately overturned.

According to Duane, Cox contacted them last week after reading news reports about the state Supreme Court hearing.

The disagreements were conducted the same day Cox received the results of an amniocentesis, which validated the results of earlier pregnancy tests.

“How many individuals are experiencing the same circumstances as Kate does at this time but are unable to bring legal action?” stated in an interview, Duane. “I hope that helps you understand the scope of the issue we’re facing.”


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