After A new Defamation:1Lawsuit Rudy Giuliani is Still Blabbing Hours Later.


After A new Defamation

After A new Defamation:1Lawsuit Rudy Giuliani is Still Blabbing Hours Later.

After A new Defamation
After A new Defamation


Rudy Giuliani obstinately returned to the right-wing channel to maintain that his false claims that have gotten him into so much trouble are true, after the two Atlanta pollsters who won a $148 million defamation lawsuit against the Trump ally on Friday filed another one on Monday.

The lawsuit cited the Trump ally’s remarks made last week on Newsman, among other statements.

Like his colleague Friday, host Rob Schmitt declared before the interview that the jury’s verdict in the first lawsuit was “absurd.” Naturally, Giuliani himself spoke to the media in a similar manner last week outside the courthouse.

After A new Defamation:1Lawsuit Rudy Giuliani is Still Blabbing Hours Later.

Schmitt questioned Giuliani on Monday night regarding Ruby Freeman’s and her daughter Shaye Moss’s second lawsuit.
which asks for an injunction to stop Giuliani “from making or publishing, or causing to be made or published, further statements repeating any and all false claims” regarding the role of women in the 2020 election rather than monetary damages.

That does sound a little bit un-American, don’t you think? Giuliani stated.

“Previous restraint is that. Will I genuinely have a gag placed on me when I move around? This has nothing to do with what I learned in law school about the First Amendment and the freedom of speech, really.

Giuliani continued to complain about allegedly not being able to defend himself during the trial last week, despite the fact that he was found liable for defamation in an August “default” judgment because he was unable to even during the discovery phase, provide records and electronic evidence, including information regarding his finances.

Schmitt then questioned the former mayor of New York who was charged about what caused these legal problems.

Do you still think that your initial accusations are true? posed Schmitt.
After A new Defamation
After A new Defamation


“Everything I said about them is true,” Giuliani declared last week outside the courthouse. “Of course I don’t regret it,” he continued. I was honest when I said that. They were involved in vote-switching. It was more of the same on Monday.

Indeed. When I say that, of course they’ll sue me again for it. However, I do,” he answered.

However, they desire that I lie. In essence, they are suing me so that I can deceive them. I apologize. He uttered, “I can’t do it.” with a giggle.

People would see that what I said was true and supported if I showed you the evidence right now, which I believe you have played on your show.

For example, Giuliani claimed in December 2020 that Freeman and Moss were adding fictitious votes during a ballot-counting operation by “quite obviously, surreptitiously, passing around USB ports as if they’re vials of heroin or cocaine.”

However, they both stated in court that Moss was only offering her daughter a ginger mint.

Following the interview, Schmitt urged the audience to give the man who was having a lot of financial difficulties their wallets.

Donate to the Giuliani Legal Defense if you would like to support Mayor Giuliani in his fight against this absurd verdict, specifically the $148 million in damages.

Fund,” he said, bringing up a phone number and web address. “President Trump encourages you to support this fund and has endorsed it. We’re asking for donations.

After A new Defamation:1Lawsuit Rudy Giuliani is Still Blabbing Hours Later.

After A new Defamation
After A new Defamation


For example, Giuliani claimed in December 2020 that Freeman and Moss were adding fictitious votes during a ballot-counting operation by “quite obviously, surreptitiously, passing around USB ports as if they’re vials of heroin or cocaine.”

However, they both stated in court that Moss was only offering her daughter a ginger mint.

Following the interview, Schmitt urged the audience to give the man who was having a lot of financial difficulties their wallets.

After A new Defamation:1Lawsuit Rudy Giuliani is Still Blabbing Hours Later.

“Donate to the Giuliani Legal Defense Fund if you would like to support Mayor Giuliani in his fight against what is an absolutely absurd verdict, and specifically the damages—$148 million,” he said.

The screen displayed a phone number and website address. “President Trump encourages you to support this fund and has endorsed it. We’re asking for donations.


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