An Lowa Rally:1Trump  about immigrants tainting country blood


Trump Case
An Lowa Rally:1Trump  about immigrants tainting country blood
An Lowa Rally
An Lowa Rally


On Tuesday, the former president Donald Trump stood by his remarks that migrants entering the country from the south are “poisoning the blood” of the country.

He reiterated the point while downplaying any resemblance to fascist literature that some had pointed out.

During a campaign rally in Waterloo, Iowa, Trump made reference to Adolf Hitler’s fascist manifesto, “Mein Kampf,” saying that he had never read it.

An Lowa Rally:1Trump  about immigrants tainting country blood

On Tuesday, President Trump declared that illegal immigrants are “destroying the blood of our country, they’re destroying the fabric of our country.”

With a speech to over a thousand supporters, Trump addressed growing criticism of his anti-immigrant “blood” purity rhetoric over the weekend.

The podium was surrounded by Christmas trees wearing red MAGA hats.
An Lowa Rally
An Lowa Rally


A number of politicians and experts on extremism have observed that his words mirrored those of Hitler, who wrote about the “purity” of Aryan blood, providing justification for Nazi Germany’s mass murder of millions of Jews and other “undesirables” both before and during World War II.

Over 10,000 people crossed the border illegally on some days in December, and Trump kept criticizing Biden for letting people “pour into our country.” Without providing any proof, he claimed that they bring with them the possibility of illness and criminal activity.

He bemoaned what he called a “border catastrophe” and stated, “They come from Africa, they come from Asia, they come from South America.”

An Lowa Rally:1Trump  about immigrants tainting country blood
An Lowa Rally
An Lowa Rally


Despite his campaign blasting out, Trump made no mention of the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision on Tuesday to disqualify him from the state’s ballot under the U.S.

Constitution’s insurrection clause a fundraising email concerning it while he was speaking.

Since launching his campaign in 2015, the former president has frequently used divisive rhetoric regarding immigrants entering the country: “They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists.”

An Lowa Rally:1Trump  about immigrants tainting country blood

However, in his third campaign, Trump has adopted more authoritarian rhetoric, promising to redouble and intensify his efforts to deny entry to citizens of some nations with a majority of Muslims as well as to broaden “ideological screening” of foreign applicants.

He declared that he would only rule as a dictator on “day one” in order to seal the border and ratchet up drilling.

Even though he doesn’t always say it, Trump’s supporters in the crowd at Waterloo on Tuesday said that his border policies were necessary and effective appropriate action.

The 63-year-old Marylee Geist said, “I don’t know if he says the right words all the time,” but that doesn’t mean “you don’t get to come here” if “you’re not fortunate enough to be born in this country.”

But all of this should be done legally, she continued John Geist, her 68-year-old spouse, explained that it has to do with the number of border crossings and national security.

An Lowa Rally:1Trump  about immigrants tainting country blood

“America is the land of opportunity, but there should be a limit on the number of immigrants,” he stated. “The volume of undocumented immigrants entering the country; there is inadequate regulation, so you never know what you’re getting.”

Alex Litterer and her father, Tom, expressed their worries about migrants entering the country from the south, particularly

since the United States lacks the resources to accommodate such influx. The 22-year-old, however, stated that she disagreed with Trump’s remarks and added that lawful immigrants bring new perspectives and contribute to the character of the nation.

According to polls, the majority of Americans concur—two thirds believe that the United States is stronger because of its diverse population nonetheless, some voters may find resonance in Trump’s message of “blood” purity.

According to a late 2021 poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, roughly one-third of Americans worry that increased immigration is causing native-born Americans to lose their economic, political, and cultural influence.

Jackie Malecek, 50, of Waterloo stated that she supports Trump because, in contrast to many others, she finds him to be candid and “that he’s somewhat of a cannon in loose form however, she believed that Trump went a bit too far when he said that immigrants are “poisoning the blood.”

An Lowa Rally:1Trump  about immigrants tainting country blood

“I wholeheartedly support stopping what’s currently taking place at the border. I watch it every day, there are just too many people coming in here at the moment,” Malecek remarked. “But I wouldn’t have chosen to say that in that particular phrasing.”

Malecek is in favor of accepting refugees and allowing lawful immigration, but she is worried about the waves of undocumented migrants who are entering the country.

Sen. JD Vance, a Republican from Ohio, retaliated angrily against a reporter who inquired about Trump’s remarks about “poisoning the blood,” justifying them as a metaphor for fentanyl overdoses caused by drugs smuggled across the border.

“You’ve just constructed your the gunman at Walmart, according to him, wrote with a similar vocabulary prior to their attacks.

Lewis said, “Call it what it is.” This is the fascist movement. White supremacy is this. This language is dehumanizing and fits right in with the discourse of white supremacists on Signal or Telegram.

An Lowa Rally:1Trump  about immigrants tainting country blood
An Lowa Rally
An Lowa Rally


In response to a question regarding Trump’s remarks about “poisoning the blood,” Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell made a joke about his own immigrant wife, who was appointed to a position in Trump’s administration.

McConnell remarked, “Well, it seems to me that didn’t bother him when he appointed Elaine Chao Secretary of Transportation.”

Right now, Trump has a significant lead over rivals in surveys of likely Republican voters in Iowa and across the country.

The Trump team is hoping for a dominant showing in the caucuses to rule out his rivals’ momentum and enable him to clinch the nomination fast.

Expectations are high in Iowa because Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has staked his campaign there.

Regarding winning Iowa next month, Trump stated, “I will not guarantee it, but I pretty much guarantee it.”


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