Anti-Semitic :1st Gathering Trump Claims Now


Anti-Semitic :1st Gathering Trump Claims Now


At an anti-Semitic gathering, Trump claims that Jewish voters will share some of the blame if he loses in November.

On Thursday, former President Donald Trump increased his attack of Jewish voters from the campaign trail and insisted that Democrats were carrying a “curse” over them by saying that “the Jewish people” would bear some of the blame if he were to lose in November.

At an event in Washington billed as combating antisemitism, Trump told Republicans, “I’m not going to call this as a prediction, but in my opinion, the Jewish people would have a lot to do with a loss if I’m at 40%” in the polls.

Consider this: if I vote at forty, that indicates that sixty percent of voters support Kamala Harris, a particularly awful Democrat.

The Democratic Party is awful, really bad, to Israel.


The former president did not mention any particular survey results.

Trump has regularly said that Jewish Democratic voters “should have their head examined” and questioned why Jewish Americans would contemplate supporting his opponent.

Trump cautioned the crowd, which included GOP megadonor Miriam Adelson, who introduced him on stage, that the approaching US election is “the most important” in Israel’s history during the first of two addresses he would be giving to Jewish groups on Thursday.

If Harris is elected president, he declared, the Jewish state will be “eradicated,” “wiped off the face of the earth,” and “cease to exist.”

However, the former president gave the impression that he was preoccupied with what he perceived as ingratitude from Jewish voters, who he claimed ought to be backing him more heavily because of his track record with Israel.

There’s a new poll out.

Once more, Trump stated, “I’m at 40%,” declining to mention the poll.

This indicates that 60% of voters supported a candidate that despises Israel.

And believe me when I say that it will.

That’s only because you’re under the Democrat’s grasp, or curse.


This cannot be allowed to occur.


We need to win this election, so forty percent is not acceptable.

Trump then shifted his focus back to Jewish voters, urging Harris to “officially disavow the support of all Hamas sympathizers, anti-Semites, Israel haters on college campuses and everywhere else.”

You’re going to continue to vote for Democrats, which is unfortunate and painful for me to say, and it defies logic, the former stated the president.

“I always say that anyone who is Jewish and votes for her, or the Democrat Party, especially now, ought to have their head examined.”

Harris has never stated that any of the organizations Trump mentioned back him.

In reality, she has faced criticism from several progressive Democrats and younger liberals, many of whom are Jewish, for her unwillingness to take into account the pause that many pro-Palestinian organizations are calling for in the midst of Israel’s conflict in Gaza over US weaponry shipments to Israel.

The “Uncommitted” organization, which emerged during the Democratic primaries to protest the Biden administration’s policies in Israel and Gaza, declared earlier on Thursday that it would not support Harris after her campaign once more turned away activists calling for an end to Israel is receiving military support from the US and a quick truce.

Later on Thursday night, at the national summit of the Israeli American Council, Trump said that he had not been “treated properly by voters who happen to be Jewish” in the 2020 election.

He also implied, for the second time in a short period of time, that Jewish voters would bear some of the blame if he lost this year.

They got Golan Heights from me.


I handed the Abraham Accords to them.


I opened the Embassy in Jerusalem after realizing that Jerusalem was Israel’s capital.

Above all, and perhaps most significantly, I pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal—the worst agreement ever struck in Israel’s and the Middle East’s histories,” declared Trump.

“I spent four years there and gave them enormous amounts of money” in USD.

He continued, playing into the anti-Semitic stereotype that Jewish Americans have dual loyalties to the US and to Israel.

“I was the best friend Israel ever had, and still in 2020, now, I’ve done all these things, so now, Jewish people have no excuse,” the speaker said.

Second gentleman Doug Imhoff, Harris’s spouse, is Jewish and has a history of publicly denouncing antisemitism, particularly during US demonstrations against Israel’s conduct in Gaza.

Nevertheless, Trump has constantly painted his opponent as “anti-Jewish” and “anti-Israel.”

Speaking to the Jewish voters in the audience, Trump declared, “You have to defeat Kamala Harris more than any other people on earth.”


I think Israel needs to overcome her.


You’re aware of that? And I have never previously expressed this Above all people on earth, which Israel must vanquish.

At that point, he pledged to “make Israel great again.”

The CEO of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs and a former Democratic official’s aide in New York, Amy Spitalnick, charged that Trump was attacking the American Jewish community and embracing anti-Semitic stereotypes by using “a speech about antisemitism.”

Israel, Jews, and all of us are less safe when they are treated as political footballs.

According to Spitalnick, “dividing Jews into ‘good’ and ‘bad’ camps and using dual loyalty tropes further normalizes antisemitism.”


“This is about the basic safety of the Jewish community, not partisan politics.”


Trump claimed in a March interview that any Jew who supports the Democratic Party “hates their religion” and despises “all things Israeli.”

During his first two presidential campaigns, he made remarks that were comparable to those that were associated with antisemitism.

“I don’t want your money, so you won’t support me.

It’s okay if you want to be in charge of your politicians, Trump remarked in December 2015 addressing the Republican Jewish Coalition.

“Like you people, I’m a negotiator; we are negotiators.”

However, following his loss in the 2020 election, Trump’s outspoken annoyance with Jewish voters started to appear more frequently.

It is said that American Jews do not love Israel sufficiently.


“Is that understandable to you?” he asked in 2021 to an Orthodox Jewish publication.

Using a point he made on Thursday, the former president grumbled on social media in 2022, saying that “wonderful Evangelicals are far from perfect” more grateful for (his Israel record) than Jews, particularly those residing in the United States.

He wrote, “Before it is too late, U.S. Jews need to get their act together and appreciate what they have in Israel.”

Harris declared her “unwavering commitment to Israel” in July following a meeting in Washington with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Harris released a statement saying, “I condemn any individuals associating with the brutal terrorist organization Hamas, which has vowed to annihilate the State of Israel and kill Jews,” in response to pro-Hamas demonstrations that surrounded the Israeli leader’s visit.

Further details have been added to this story.


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