Biden:1The Courts Have Power to Determine Whether Will Elected Now



Biden:1The Courts Have Power to Determine Whether Will Elected Now



It is obvious. Everything was visible to you. The president declared, “I’ll let the court decide whether or not the 14th Amendment applies.”

On Wednesday, President Joe Biden declared that there was no doubt that former President Donald Trump was in charge of organizing an uprising.

However, he chose to leave the legal debate sparked by the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to disallow Trump from running for office on the state ballot to the judiciary.

It is obvious. Everything was visible to you.

While visiting Wisconsin, the president declared, “I’ll let the court decide whether or not the 14th Amendment applies.” However, he undoubtedly encouraged an uprising. Without a doubt. Not one. None at all.

Biden’s remarks were made just hours after the state Supreme Court declared on Tuesday night that Trump was ineligible to hold public office due to his participation in the rebellion on January 6th, which violated the 14th Amendment.

Biden:1The Courts Have Power to Determine Whether Will Elected Now

They emphasized the careful balancing that Democrats have attempted to accomplish in the wake of the decision.

Many in the party saw little benefit in offering their opinions on a case that would almost certainly be taken up by the Supreme Court and overturned by its justices.

Their muted response was partly motivated by worries that public jubilation would serve Trump’s interests, energizing his base and providing evidence for him to claim that the legal system was biased against him.

It simply kind of enhances the Democratic strategist, who wished to remain anonymous, candidly stated, “the pile of wood that he puts on the fire.” “And it just doesn’t seem like it helps.”

Biden:1The Courts Have Power to Determine Whether Will Elected Now



However, it was also prompted by worries that applauding the verdict would lead some to downplay the importance of the decision and put Biden in the position of thinking the legal system was handling his political duties.

“I wouldn’t participate in a conversation concerning this,” stated veteran party operative David Axelrod. “I would be getting ready to take on Trump.

They are approaching it in the proper manner. I don’t trust you to make the right choice, so you don’t want to tell the American people.

On Wednesday, not many Democrats contested the Colorado court’s ruling on its merits.

Indeed, a number of Biden supporters expressed their conviction that the 4-3 decision, rendered by all justices nominated by Democrats, was accurate.

It seems spot on to me. The former chief of staff for Biden, Sen. Ted Kaufman, stated, “I think they’re right in what they’re doing.” The Constitution states as much.

It’s obvious that what they did was an insurrection because it says so. It seems very simple, doesn’t it?

Along with dismissing the notion that the court had set the nation on a slippery slope, party officials also invited a conservative state judiciary to respond by disqualifying Democrats from the ballot, no matter how ludicrous the justification.

Biden:1The Courts Have Power to Determine Whether Will Elected Now

“To be concerned about that is to subscribe to the Republican narrative that the judiciary is inherently politicized,” stated Pat Dennis.

president of American Bridge 21st Century, a Democratic super PAC. And in my opinion, they require that as sort of a basic tenet in order to undermine a just prosecution of the former president. I disagree with that premise.

Republicans, on the other hand, swiftly condemned the decision made on Tuesday night, claiming that the four justices’ conclusions amounted to election meddling.

They contended that they had overreached themselves and cautioned that the decision would only serve to further the interests of Trump.

Biden:1The Courts Have Power to Determine Whether Will Elected Now



In the primary, Trump’s opponents supported him as well, emphasizing that they wanted to beat him at the polls. The Biden campaign subsequently adopted this stance.

A judge mandates that Representative Scott Perry reveal 1,600 messages to federal prosecutors.
Jack Smith included an expert on the Supreme Court. Joe Biden was sued by a Missouri attorney, whom Trump hired.

The ineligibility ruling for Colorado poses a serious threat for 2024.

The Colorado Supreme Court rules that Trump cannot run for office again.
Trump continues to attack immigrants and says he never read Hitler.

The deputy director of communications for the Biden campaign, Brooke Goren, stated, “We’re not going to comment on ongoing litigation.”

Biden:1The Courts Have Power to Determine Whether Will Elected Now



“Let me just state that the president is eager to win in November 2024, whether it be against Donald Trump or the winner of the Republican primary. Thus, I’ll end it there.

The longtime conservative attorneys who had led the case and some members of the legal and political left who had allied with them were the ones who did publicly celebrate.

Rep. noted that the choice created “an almost Shakespearean irony.”

According to Bassin, Trump’s strategy has always been to accuse others of crimes that he has committed, mainly in order to hide his own guilt.

It is therefore appropriate that Trump, who gained political prominence by erroneously accusing Barack Obama of not being eligible to be president, should now be found to be the one who is truly ineligible by a court.

Jennifer Haberkorn and Sam Stein both contributed to this report.


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