Fairness Sandra Day:1O Connor Received Funeral Honors American pioneer Now


Fairness Sandra Day
Fairness Sandra Day:1O Connor Received Funeral Honors American pioneer Now
Fairness Sandra Day
Fairness Sandra Day


At her funeral on Tuesday, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, the first female justice on the Supreme Court, was remembered as a trailblazing jurist who broke down barriers based on gender for millions of women in the legal profession.

At the age of 93, O’Connor passed away in Phoenix on December 1. O’Connor was the ideological cornerstone of the Supreme Court for more than 20 years, serving as the deciding vote in numerous cases that had a significant impact on many aspects of American society until her retirement in 2006.

Fairness Sandra Day:1O Connor Received Funeral Honors American pioneer Now

At the ceremony on Tuesday at the National Cathedral in Washington, all nine of the current justices as well as retired Justice Anthony Kennedy were present.

Biden, President chief Justice John Roberts was one of the individuals who paid tribute to the deceased justice.

“One need not agree with all her decisions in order to recognize that her principles were deeply held and of the highest order, and that her desire for civility was genuine and her trust in the capacity of human institutions to make life better is what this world was abiding,” the president stated in his address.

Fairness Sandra Day:1O Connor Received Funeral Honors American pioneer Now
Fairness Sandra Day
Fairness Sandra Day


“And how she embodied such attributes under such pressure and scrutiny helped empower generations of women in every part of American life.”

Before serving as vice president, Mr. Biden served in the Senate for more than 30 years. He remembered accepting O’Connor’s nomination to the Supreme Court when he was the leading Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“It was a person for all seasons who we saw in that hearing, and the Americans and the world would see through her extraordinary service as a justice and, as I might add, as a citizen,” the president stated, adding that O’Connor had broken down “the barriers in the legal and political world, and the nation’s consciousness.”

“May God bless Sandra Day O’Connor, an American pioneer,” he said.

After O’Connor’s appointment in 2005, Roberts joined the court for a brief period of time and stated that the barriers O’Connor broke down are “almost unthinkable today.”

In addition to being a measure of time, that distance also represents Justice O’Connor’s life and contributions.

Throughout her nearly 25 years on the court, she was a powerful, significant, and legendary jurist,” Roberts remarked. Her leadership made it clear that judges are men and women, and it changed the legal profession.

Because Justice O’Connor was so excellent on the bench, the period when women were not on it seemed so distant.”

The chief justice recognized O’Connor’s challenges, which ranged from her inability to find employment following law school to her “excellence” as a justice of the Supreme Court, setting an example as the court’s first female member, battling cancer, and raising a family.

“All this and more, she had to do, and she got it done,” he continued.

Originally chosen to take O’Connor’s place on the bench, Roberts ultimately succeeded Chief Justice William Rehnquist after the latter’s passing in 2005 the Supreme Court’s first female justice.

Ronald Reagan nominated Sandra Day O’Connor to the Supreme Court, and the Senate unanimously approved her nomination, making her the court’s first female justice in its 191-year history.

Four women currently occupy seats on the Supreme Court, more than 40 years after the court’s historic confirmation.

She served as a pivotal swing vote in contentious cases, particularly those involving abortion, for the majority of her 24-year tenure on the court.

O’Connor co-wrote the majority opinion in a 1991 case that upheld the Roe v. Wade abortion rights alongside Justice David Souter and Justice Kennedy.

She authored the majority ruling in a 2003 case that permitted the selective use of race in college admissions decisions.

Fairness Sandra Day:1O Connor Received Funeral Honors American pioneer Now
Fairness Sandra Day
Fairness Sandra Day


Over fifteen the conservative justices on the court, who currently have a 6-3 majority, would go on to reverse Roe and abolish admissions policies that discriminate based on race years after O’Connor departed.

Justice Samuel Alito, who took O’Connor’s place on the high court, wrote the majority decision that invalidated the constitutional right to an abortion.

O’Connor was born in 1930 and raised on the “Lazy B,” her family’s cattle ranch in southeast Arizona. She placed two spots behind Chief Justice William Rehnquist, her future colleague on the Supreme Court, when she graduated third in her Stanford Law class.

Fairness Sandra Day:1O Connor Received Funeral Honors American pioneer Now

While attending law school, O’Connor met her husband, John Jay O’Connor. 2009 saw him pass away from Alzheimer’s-related complications.

O’Connor was a member of the Arizona State Senate prior to joining the Supreme Court. After joining the first woman to hold the position in any state senate was the majority leader of the chamber.

After being elected to the Maricopa County Superior Court in 1974, she went on to serve as a judge on the Arizona Court of Appeals, marking the beginning of her career in the judiciary.

Fairness Sandra Day:1O Connor Received Funeral Honors American pioneer Now

At the age of 75, O’Connor left the Supreme Court in 2006 to care for her husband after he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. However, she became an advocate for civics education after leaving the bench, founding the organization iCivics in 2009.

The highest civilian award in the country, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, was given to O’Connor by President Barack Obama in 2009. She passed away from complications brought on by a respiratory ailment and advanced dementia.


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