George Conway:1Attacks RNC Chair Trump Now


George Conway

George Conway:1Attacks RNC Chair Trump Now

George Conway
George Conway


George Conway attacks the RNC chair and Trump over the alleged Michigan call: The most sleazy thing ever

Following the 2020 election on Friday, Republican strategist George Conway denounced as “corrupt” a call allegedly made by former president Trump and Republican National Committee (RNC) chair Ronna McDaniel to two canvassers in Michigan.

George Conway:1Attacks RNC Chair Trump Now

On MSNBC on Friday, Conway declared, “It’s insane and corrupt.”

“I must mention something regarding my previous political party, specifically Ronna Romney McDaniel—the woman who changed her name to appease Donald Trump, you know, I mean.”

“Leave aside the question of whether this is illegal; it’s just the sleaziest thing ever. It’s just the sleaziest thing ever, and she would be out on the campaign trail if my former political party had any dignity or shame her behind,” Conway went on.

George Conway:1Attacks RNC Chair Trump Now

George Conway
George Conway


According to recordings obtained by The Detroit News, the former president allegedly put pressure on Wayne County canvassers Monica Palmer and William Hartmann to refuse to sign the certification of the 2020 election during the aforementioned call.

It is also reported that McDaniel participated in the call.

According to the Detroit newspaper, Trump stated on the recordings, “We have to fight for our country.” “We cannot allow these individuals to steal our country from us.”

When the then-president called, the canvassers were already in a car. Palmer told the News that other people entered the car and might have heard the conversation.

George Conway:1Attacks RNC Chair Trump Now

George Conway
George Conway


“Don’t sign it if you can go home tonight. McDaniel was heard saying, “We’ll get you attorneys,” according to the neighborhood publication.

According to the News, McDaniel also affirmed her support for a letter she and Michigan Republican Party Chair Laura Cox wrote requesting that the Michigan Board of State Canvassers carry out an audit before the election results were certified.

George Conway:1Attacks RNC Chair Trump Now

In a statement, McDaniel told the News, “What I said publicly and repeatedly at the time, as referenced in my letter on Nov. 21, 2020, is that there was ample evidence that warranted an audit.”


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