Hitler Talk :1stTrump Promises to Increase


Hitler Talk

Hitler Talk :1stTrump Promises to Increase

Hitler Talk
Hitler Talk


According to sources who spoke with Rolling Stone, Trump intends to continue disparaging immigrants by citing “poisoning the blood.”

If anything, he believes he was being “too nice.”

In the days that followed Donald Trump’s comments that immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country,” the front-runner for the GOP nomination in 2024 faced a barrage of criticism from the Democratic Party and the media, which likened his remarks to Nazi rhetoric.

Two people who have spoken with Trump since his rally in New Hampshire last weekend claim that he has privately pledged to step up his extreme, anti-immigrant rhetoric in response to the comparisons to Adolf Hitler.

According to one of these sources, “He wants the media to choke on his words.”

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“The outgoing president stated that he’s will continue to do so, he will continue to claim that they are poisoning the nation’s blood and destroying and killing the nation.

It’s a “great line,” he says. (Trump has been uttering this particular phrase in public since September.)

The second source claims that in recent days, Trump claimed he was being “too nice” about the “animals” and purported gang members who cross the southern border, whom he frequently accuses of bringing drugs, illnesses, and violent crime into the country.

Hitler Talk :1stTrump Promises to Increase

According to this source who spoke with Rolling Stone, Trump also stated that his campaign and he would be releasing newer, even “tougher” immigration policy proposals in 2024, and that his supporters should be on the lookout for them because they will be “very happy.”

His current list of recommendations for immigration policy for 2024 includes building a massive network of new detention camps to house undocumented immigrants awaiting deportation, reimposing and expanding his travel “Muslim ban,” and shockingly militarizing the southern border.

Hitler Talk :1stTrump Promises to Increase

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Hitler Talk


The reason behind the prominence of Trump’s hard-right, progressively authoritarian speech and policy pledges in his reelection campaign is obvious.

It’s more than just pleasing to the ears of some MAGAdonians or the fitting end to his 2015 presidential campaign launch.

The reason for this is that a greater number of mainstream Republicans are now openly endorsing and supporting Trump’s rhetoric, whether they are working with him, supporting him, or holding positions of authority in the House, Senate, or elsewhere.

In fact, as reported by The Des Moines Register, recent

According to polls, many Republican Iowa caucus attendees are more likely to support Trump as a result of his attacks on immigrants, not less.

Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), reprimanded an Associated Press reporter on Tuesday for questioning Trump about his frequent claims of “poisoning the blood” and asserting that the president had not stated that immigrants were contaminating the nation’s blood.

He claimed that illegal immigrants were tainting the nation’s blood, which is demonstrably and objectively accurate when one considers the data regarding fentanyl overdoses.

Hitler Talk :1stTrump Promises to Increase

Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) also weighed in on the same day, expressing his disappointment with Trump for not going far enough.

Tuberville told reporters, “I’m mad he wasn’t tougher than that.” “Are you aware of the situation at the border? They’re overrunning us.

They’re taking us over, so I was a little let down that he wasn’t a little more resilient.

Trump made it apparent on stage again in Iowa on Tuesday night that his so-called “great line” would not disappear, regardless of how many people condemned him for using Hitlerite language.

“They are ruining our nation’s blood.” They are acting in that manner.

They are ruining our nation. “I never read Mein Kampf, and they don’t like it when I say that,” Trump emphasized to the assembled supporters. (Trump reportedly admitted accepting a gift copy of Hitler’s book.)

Trump is still running for office on a platform of mass deportations of illegal immigrants who have tainted the “blood” of America and eradicating the “vermin” of his political rivals. Several of his well-known allies, like Sen.

Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), have attempted to defend his remarks by saying that liberals are being overly sensitive and they are simply speaking.

However, Trump’s rhetoric from the campaign trail only serves to highlight the harsh, uncompromising nature of the policy recommendations that he and his 2024 team have already made public.

Hitler Talk :1stTrump Promises to Increase

Trump has made it clear that, should he win a second term, he will undertake massive, unprecedented measures to treat immigration as though it were a real “war” or “invasion.”

Plotting for the massive deployment of American forces on American soil to aid in the sealing of the southern border has been part of this.

In the event that he is elected to a second term and decides to invade and bomb Mexico, Trump has also requested “battle plans.”

For its part, President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign has criticized Trump’s racist words used explicitly. Ammar Moussa, a spokesman for the Biden campaign, attacked Trump after his speech over the weekend, accusing him of having “parroted Adolf Hitler” in addition to his earlier declaration that he would “rule as a dictator and threaten American democracy.”

“He is betting he can win this election by scaring and dividing this country,” Moussa went on.

In the past, voters’ and the media’s disbelief in Trump and Republicans’ statements helped them.

For example, in 2016 a large portion of the electorate believed that Trump was far more moderate than he actually was because so much of Trump’s rhetoric is based on entertainment rather than policy, it’s possible that this has made it too easy for many people to laugh at or ignore his statements over time fascist writing in general.

Rolling Stone has learned from sources close to Trump that he has long harbored an obsession with violent, lustful, and cruel spectacles, which readily translates into his preferred policy recommendations and messaging approach.

It is the same impulse that propelled him to support firing squad revival and mass executions both during and after his administration.

Hitler Talk :1stTrump Promises to Increase

However, based on the experience of this source, it can be inferred that Trump frequently finds inspiration in popular culture rather than in ideological texts.

As one former senior official in the Trump administration puts it “His motivations for his attacks and insults are usually shallower than Mein Kampf.”

This former official remembers being made to sit in the White House with the then-president and other aides during the Trump administration cable news alongside him.

Hitler Talk :1stTrump Promises to Increase

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Hitler Talk


This former official claims that Trump was using derogatory terms that were popularized by foreign despots and that he was adopting “what the media was calling ‘dehumanizing’ language.” It was just another news cycle of this.

The former official remembers Trump bristling at the negative press he received for his remarks, implying that the journalists who were offended were just “weak” and had never watched a “WWE” wrestling match.

However, given that Trump is using fascist rhetoric, Jason Stanley, a Yale scholar and author of How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them, tells Rolling Stone that it’s time to take him both “literally and seriously.”

Stanley claims, “He’s getting as explicit as he can be, rhetorically.”

“This notion of cleansing plays a key role in fascist ideology. He issues a warning to anyone who would write off Trump’s recent remarks as trolling.

“A recurring motif throughout the annals of fascism is the widespread belief that the fascist leader is making jokes,” the author states. “After all, without that characteristic, fascism wouldn’t exist.”


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