In 2019 death:Black man Elijah McClain US Paramedics Now


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In 2019 death: Black man Elijah McClain US Paramedics Now
In 2019 death
In 2019 death


After being placed in a chokehold by police and given a strong sedative injection by paramedics, McClain lost consciousness.

The 2019 death of Elijah McClain, a young Black man who passed away after being roughly detained by police and placed in a chokehold, has resulted in the conviction of two paramedics in the western US state of Colorado for criminally negligent homicide.

The medics had given him a powerful sedative injection first.

Peter Cichuniec, 51, was found guilty of assault in the second degree on Friday after a jury returned verdicts against him. Cichuniec had given Jeremy Cooper, 49, a high dose of ketamine.

The passing of McClain, 23, was the first of many criminal cases against medical first responders that had gone to trial recently, and it might have set the standard for prosecutors in similar cases in the future.

It was also the final of three trials in which paramedics and police were accused of contributing to McClain’s death. McClain was stopped by officers following a report of a suspicious person.

In 2019 death:Black man Elijah McClain US ParamedicsĀ 

Following the first trial, one police officer was found guilty of criminally negligent homicide while the other was found not guilty. In the second, a third officer was found not guilty.

Sheneen McClain, the mother of McClain, sobbed outside the court on Friday while MiDian Holmes, a family supporter, spoke with reporters on her behalf.

Holmes stated, “Until we see sentencing, we do not know justice.” “Justice is still what we’re after.”

Attorney General Phil Weiser of Colorado stated that responsibilityĀ would not stop with the convictions and that a great deal more effort is required to stop innocent people from dying at the hands of law enforcement and other emergency personnel.

“Elijah committed no sins. His life was valuable. Weiser stated, “He ought to be here with us today.”

“They took his life.”
In 2019 death
In 2019 death


Cooper and Cichuniec told the jury during their trial that they thought McClain needed the ketamine to calm down and that the police officers roughhousing him were impeding their ability to administer prompt medical attention.

However, the prosecution contended throughout the trial that the paramedics’ failure to check McClain before giving him the maximum amount of ketamine permitted was a breach of their training guidelines.

“These accused made no attempt at all. They departed after Elijah McClain begged, “Please help me “they overdosed him on ketamine there.

During the Wednesday closing arguments, prosecutor Jason Slothouber stated, “They killed him.”

On August 24, 2019, McClain was approached by police after a passerby reported to 911 that the man was acting strangely while walking home from a convenience store while wearing a winter coat and ski mask on a warm night.

Shortly after stopping McClain, police grabbed him and at least twice placed him in a carotid chokehold. He repeatedly told officers he could not breathe and puked into his ski mask.

In 2019 death: Black man Elijah McClain US ParamedicsĀ 

McClain’s initial autopsy in 2019 concluded that the cause of death was “undetermined.” But in 2021, an updated autopsy report found McClain passed away from “Ketamine administration complications after forcible restraint.”

At first, local prosecutors decided not to press charges. After George Floyd, a Black man, was killed by Minneapolis police in May 2020, things changed.

In 2019 death: Black man Elijah McClain US Paramedics
In 2019 death
In 2019 death


Colorado Governor Jared Polis requested in June 2020 that the state attorney general’s office look into McClain’s case after Floyd’s death sparked widespread protests. The officers and paramedics were charged in 2021 by a state grand jury.



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