Initial Instance:1When asked what led to the Civil War Now


Initial Instance

Initial Instance:1When asked what led to the Civil War Now

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Initial Instance


When a voter from New Hampshire questioned Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley on Wednesday about the cause of the Civil War, she failed to bring up slavery. The voter expressed his surprise at her omission.

When asked what she thought started the war—which began with gunfire in her home state of South Carolina—at a town hall in Berlin, New Hampshire, Haley discussed the role of government, responding that it involved “the freedoms of what people could and couldn’t do.”

The man who had originally asked the question was informed that he was not the one who was vying for president and would have preferred to know her response.

Initial Instance:1When asked what led to the Civil War Now

The questioner appeared to chastise Haley after she went into greater detail regarding the functions of capitalism, individual freedom, and government, stating, “In the year 2023, it’s astonishing to me that you answer that question without mentioning the word slavery.”

What remarks about slavery are you hoping me to make? After responding, Haley abruptly moved on to the next query.

Haley, the six-term governor of South Carolina, is vying with Donald Trump for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024, with a significant margin of defeat.

Throughout her campaign, she has repeatedly declared that she will compete in the first three states before going back “to the sweet state of South Carolina, and we’ll finish ” in the primary on February 24.

Initial Instance:1When asked what led to the Civil War Now

A message requesting comment on Haley’s response was not promptly answered by her campaign. Another one of Haley’s GOP opponents, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, posted a video of the exchange on social media and captioned it with the word “Yikes.”

Haley’s home state is still heavily influenced by questions about the Civil War’s beginnings and legacy, and she has previously been questioned about them.

In an interview with The Palmetto Patriots, a now-defunct activist group, during her 2010 run for governor, Haley said that the Confederate flag was “not something that is racist” and that the war was between two opposing sides fighting for “tradition” and “change.”

Initial Instance:1When asked what led to the Civil War Now

In that identical campaign, she disregarded the necessity of removing the flag from the Statehouse grounds, characterizing the demands of her Democratic opponent as a desperate political ploy.

Five years later, after a mass shooting in which a white gunman killed eight Black church members who were attending Bible study, Haley pushed lawmakers to take down the flag from its location next to a monument honoring Confederate soldiers.

At the time, Haley claimed that the gunman had “hijacked” the flag from people who believed it to be a symbol of “sacrifice and heritage.”

Initial Instance:1When asked what led to the Civil War Now

The first sentence of South Carolina’s Ordinance of Secession, which was the state government’s 1860 declaration explaining its reasons for leaving the Union, refers to slavery and highlights the “increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding

states to the system of slavery” as justification for the state’s withdrawal from the Union.

Christale Spain, the first Black woman to be elected as the Democratic Party chair in South Carolina, said on Wednesday night that Haley’s response was “vile, but unsurprising.”

In a post on X, Spain described Haley as “the same person who refused to take down the Confederate Flag until the tragedy in Charleston, and tried to justify a Confederate History Month.”

Spain went on, quoting Trump’s “Make America Great Again” campaign anthem, “She’s just as MAGA as Trump.”

Initial Instance
Initial Instance


Haley’s response was “not stunning if you were a Black resident,” according to Jaime Harrison, the current chairman of the Democratic National Committee and the party chairman for South Carolina for a portion of her governorship during her tenure as governor.”

Initial Instance:1When asked what led to the Civil War Now

Harrison wrote on X on Wednesday night, “The same person who said the Confederate flag was about tradition & heritage and as a minority woman she was the right person to defend keeping it on state house grounds.”

I haven’t forgotten, but some people might have.

It’s time for everyone to remove their rose-colored Nikki Haley spectacles.


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