Israel-Hamas War:1Israel during Houthis Regional Position Now


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Attacks in Israel-Hamas War:1st Israel during Houthis Regional Position Now

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From what we can tell,

The militia’s most recent show of strength outside of the Israel-Hamas conflict was the attack on a Norwegian tanker on Monday. The Houthis, once a hardy tribal group, now seem to have more ambitious goals, according to analysts.

Yemen’s Houthis gain influence in the region with missile and ship attacks.
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Israel-Hamas war  Israel-Hamas war live


In response to a veto from the US, the UN General Assembly votes in favor of a cease-fire. Protesters gather in front of Netanyahu’s office to call for the release of the remaining hostages.

Israel claims to have discovered two hostages’ remains in Gaza. Accidents account for one-fifth of Israeli troop fatalities in Gaza, according to the army.

Attacks on U.N. peacekeepers along the Israel-Lebanon border are becoming more frequent.  Hospitals in Gaza’s north and south are already struggling, and Israeli advances are making matters worse.

While it’s unclear how much more aid will enter Gaza, Israel is expanding its inspections of aid supplies.

Yemen’s Houthis gain influence in the region with missile and ship attacks.
Israel-Hamas war  Israel-Hamas war live
Israel-Hamas war  Israel-Hamas war live


According to analysts, Yemen’s Houthi militia has been gaining popularity throughout the Middle East and developing regional clout that could help it expand its power at home.

It has been firing missiles toward Israel and attacking ships traversing the Red Sea.

The Houthi militia, supported by Iran, launched a cruise missile on a Norwegian tanker on Monday, marking a significant uptick in their actions against Israel.

Despite weeks of threats, this was one of their first successful attacks, and no casualties were reported.
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Israel-Hamas war  Israel-Hamas war live


The Houthis have also attempted to attack southern Israel with drones and missiles, but those attempts were thwarted. They took over a commercial ship last month.

People in the Middle East are furious with Israel, the United States, and sometimes even with themselves as a result of the Gaza war.
Governments backed by the United States have praised the Houthis as one of the few forces in the region prepared to confront Israel with more than just verbal abuse.

“They gave us dignity because they took action when everyone else was just staring at the screen,” said Khalid Nujaim, a worker at a medical supply company in the Houthi-controlled capital of Yemen, Sana.

Once a rough and tumble tribe, the Houthis have seized control of much of northern Yemen after overrunning Sana in 2014.

Attacks in Israel-Hamas War:1st Israel during Houthis Regional Position Now

They have progressively improved their military prowess and won the war against a coalition led by Saudi Arabia that had been attempting to destroy them for years.

Since the worst of the fighting in Yemen’s civil war has mostly subsided, the armed group is acting more and more like as a reaction to Hamas’s attacks on October 7, they launched a campaign of solidarity with the 2.2 million.

Palestinians living under Israel’s siege and bombardment of Gaza. This is how they have characterized their most recent attacks.

The Houthis have become a force with a global impact as a result of that campaign, according to Yodel Guzansky, a senior research fellow at Tel Aviv University’s Institute for National Security Studies.

According to Mr. Guzansky, a former Israeli official, “what they really want is a bigger stake in Yemen, and perhaps they want to do that by becoming a global problem.”

Attacks in Israel-Hamas War:1st Israel during Houthis Regional Position Now

Especially at this time when the Houthis are close to reaching a peace agreement with Saudi Arabia that could lead to the recognition of Given their sway over northern Yemen, the Gaza War presents “a massive opportunity for them to get legitimacy in region.,”

According to Fare al-Muslima, a Yemeni research fellow at Chatham House, a research group based in London, who oversees the Middle East and North Africa program.

“At the moment, all individuals in the area mistake the Yemenis for the Houthis, and that’s the best outcome for the Houthis.”

The Houthis refer to themselves as the “Yemen armed forces” in statements declaring their assaults, ignoring the existence of other armed groups with headquarters in the south of the country as well as an internationally recognized government.

Senior Houthi leader Mohammed Ali al-Houthi issued a cautionary message on social media on Tuesday, describing the dangers of traveling through the Red Zone.

sea, instructing vessels to be ready to obey orders from “the Yemeni navy” and to avoid visiting “occupied ports in Palestine.”

Ahmed Nagi, a senior Yemen analyst at the International Crisis Group, said that whenever he travels in the area these days, people are always excited to hear that he is from Yemen and start “talking about the Houthis and how brave they are.”

Attacks in Israel-Hamas War:1st Israel during Houthis Regional Position Now

“At this point, this is a very deep reflection of public opinion throughout the Arab countries,” Mr. Nagi stated. He voiced concern that people might come to feel that nonstate actors like the Houthis are their only chance to oppose what they perceive to be Western hegemony and that they cannot trust state actors.

In favor of the Palestinians The Houthi narrative has long been based on cause and animosity toward Israel; the group’s slogan is “Death to America, death to Israel.

” They present themselves in part as opponents of Arab leaders supported by the United States, whom they see as “just mercenaries for the West,” Mr. Nagi said.

The majority of Arab governments, who once waged war on Israel and imposed an oil embargo in retaliation for its Western backers, have responded to the conflict in Gaza with public denunciations, aid drives, and diplomatic attempts to promote a cease-fire.

This has left some of their citizens feeling helpless and instead wants them to sever ties with Israel or take other, more drastic measures.

Attacks in Israel-Hamas War:1st Israel during Houthis Regional Position Now

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Israel-Hamas war  Israel-Hamas war live


Tuesday at a press conference, Eylon Levy, A representative for the Israeli government referred to the Houthis as Iranian go-betweens “with the self-awareness of cartoon villains” and said that their attacks posed “a clear threat not only to international peace and security, but also to Israel.”

According to Mr. Nagi, using military force against Israel also aids the Houthis in avoiding domestic difficulties.

People are putting pressure on them as Yemen’s civil war enters a new phase, he said, demanding the provision of basic public services or the payment of their long-overdue salaries as civil servants.

Although it isn’t the only explanation for their attacks, Mr. Nagi claimed that “this is a way out of that dilemma.” He stated that the basic message at this point is, “Don’t speak about anything, because we are in a war.”

Shuaib Almosawa Made An Input.

Covering events from Washington, D.C.; Talya Minsberg from Tel Aviv; and Ephrat Livni from New Delhi.

Reporting from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, is Vivian Nereim.

In response to a veto from the US, the UN General Assembly votes in favor of a cease-fire.

In a resounding vote on Tuesday, the U.N. General Assembly called for an immediate cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas war, highlighting the widespread desire around the world to put an end to the brutal fighting.

The nonbinding resolution was supported by nearly 75% of the body’s members, highlighting the isolation of Israel and the US after the latter last week prevented a cease-fire resolution from being approved by the Security Council.

Protesters gather in front of Netanyahu’s office to call for the release of the remaining hostages.

Curled up in a hooded sweatshirt and blanket, Omer Yaron

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Israel-Hamas war  Israel-Hamas war live


And those who stand by those who are still detained are becoming increasingly irate over what they see as a slow pace in ensuring the safe return of their loved ones.

To raise awareness of the issue, a group of about twelve individuals, including Ms. Yaron, set up camp in front of Mr. Netanyahu’s office for the night.

They sang Israeli campfire songs until late in the hopes that their presence would prompt the government to take action.

Zohar Avigdori, 42, who organized the demonstrations on Tuesday, stated that government representatives ought to be uneasy until all of the hostages are freed.

He said, “Especially him,” referring to Mr. Netanyahu.

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Israel-Hamas war  Israel-Hamas war live


A poll conducted by Prof. Camil Fuchs of Tel Aviv University and published by the Israeli television network Channel 13 on Monday night indicates that Mr. Netanyahu’s popularity has

decreased dramatically, partly as a result of his handling of the hostage predicament.

Despite Mr. Netanyahu’s public declarations that defeating Hamas and freeing the hostages are priorities, some families of the hostages have claimed that he has prioritized eliminating Hamas.

Attacks in Israel-Hamas War:1st Israel during Houthis Regional Position Now

A majority of respondents stated they would support war cabinet member and Mr. Netanyahu’s critic for years, Benny Gantz, if elections were held today, according to the poll.

According to the poll, Mr. Netanyahu’s Likud party would also lose almost half of the seats it currently has in the Israeli parliament, the Knesset.

Although Mr. Avigdori made it apparent that the protest is intended to be nonpartisan and bipartisan, he thinks the government ought to see the release of the hostages as a method for fixing ratings.

“Returning the hostages is the government’s only option,” he declared.

The lengthy day of protests on Tuesday echoed a march that was held prior to the cease-fire, when thousands of supporters walked from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem to pressure the Israeli government to accept a deal.

The demonstrations started with a caravan winding up the hills from Lutron, about 15 miles west of Jerusalem, before reaching Mr. Netanyahu’s office.

Since the hostage families started setting up camp in front of the central military headquarters in Tel Aviv, Ms. Yarn has joined the hostage families and attended a few other hostage rallies.

They had never camped in Jerusalem before, she said, and she intended to keep doing so until Ms. Gonen came back.

Attacks in Israel-Hamas War:1st Israel during Houthis Regional Position Now

— Adam Sella originating in Jerusalem and reporting

According to the health ministry, Israeli military raids in Jenin resulted in the deaths of at least seven Palestinians.
According to the health ministry, Israeli military raids in Jenin resulted in the deaths of at least seven Palestinians.

According to the Palestinian health ministry and the news agency Wafer of the Palestinian Authority, since Israeli forces started raiding Jenin, a city in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, and its refugee camp on Tuesday, at least seven Palestinians have died there.

According to the health ministry, among the dead was a 13-year-old child who required medical attention and passed away when Israeli forces stopped an ambulance from carrying him to a hospital.

Video footage from the Lebanese broadcast network Al Mayadeen appeared to show a man who appeared to be his father carrying him past

A military vehicle belonging to Israel and into a hospital on foot.

According to the health ministry, a 36-year-old man who was shot in the leg also passed away after Israeli forces stopped an ambulance from bringing him to a hospital.

The Palestine Red Crescent Society, which denounced the incident and similar ones as a “serious violation of the Geneva Conventions,” claims that the ambulance and the medical personnel attending to the man were delayed for approximately thirty minutes.

An 18-year-old was shot and killed by Israeli forces, while four more Palestinians were killed in Jenin’s Al-Sibat neighborhood after being the target of an Israeli drone strike, according to Wafa.

The Israeli military claimed the operation against the Palestinian center of resistance to the occupation, Jenin, was a counterterrorism operation action.

The military confirmed in a statement earlier on Tuesday that it had discovered explosives, weapons, and ammunition.

It also confirmed that it had killed multiple people in a drone strike and claimed that the targets had been Israeli soldiers.

Independent verification was not possible for either the Wafer reports or the military’s claims, and the military did not immediately reply to a request for comment regarding the reports that its forces obstructed ambulances carrying victims to hospitals.

According to the Palestinian Prisoners Society, a nongovernmental rights organization, since the raid started on Tuesday, more than 100 Palestinians have been taken into custody in Jenin and the refugee camp.

The raid went on, destroying a number of structures, including residences in the refugee camp and commercial establishments in the city.


In to Wednesday morning, according to Wafa.

When the United Nations humanitarian organization started keeping track of deaths in the occupied West Bank in 2005, this has been the deadliest year for Palestinians living there.

Since the attacks on October 7, 255 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces there, the agency reported on Sunday.

— Anushka Patil The shipowner claims that the vessel that the Houthis struck was headed for Italy.

Iran-backed Yemeni militia fired a missile at a commercial ship in the Red Sea on Tuesday, according to U.S. officials, raising fears that the Gaza War may spread to other parts of the region.

The Norwegian tanker Strinda caught fire after being struck by a cruise missile fired from a region of Yemen under the Houthi militia’s control, according to the US military

stated. The Houthis have threatened for weeks to attack ships and close the waterway in protest of Israel’s bombardment of Gaza, but this seemed to be one of the first successful attacks on a ship even though no injuries were reported.

Israel claims to have discovered two hostages’ remains in Gaza.

Israeli military officials declared on Tuesday that they had returned the remains of two hostages taken by Hamas on October 7 to their native country.

Israeli officials said in a statement that the remains of the hostages, Eden Zakaria, 27, and Master Sgt. Ziv Dado, 36, were found during a recent operation in the Gaza Strip. We kidnapped Ms. Zakaria from the Tribe of Nova music festival.


At the time of the attack, Sergeant Dado was working as a logistics supervisor in the army’s Golani Brigade in Re’im, southern Israel, and was presumably dead, according to Israeli officials.

Accidents account for one-fifth of Israeli troop fatalities in Gaza, according to the army.

Since ground operations started on October 27, 105 soldiers have died in Gaza, according to information released by the Israeli military on Tuesday. Almost 20 percent of these deaths were due to accidents.

Thirteen of the twenty soldiers who died in accidents were shot by Israeli forces; six died as a result of mistakes involving “weaponry, machinery, or trampling”; and one died due to an irregular firing pattern.

Attacks on U.N. peacekeepers along the Israel-Lebanon border are becoming more frequent.

Stephen, Lieutenant Colonel Maceio has had trouble falling asleep.

The head of a battalion of 500 United Nations peacekeepers stationed in southern Lebanon,

Even as they increasingly come under attack themselves, Colonel MacEoin commands soldiers who are at the forefront of international efforts to stop a wider, regional war between Israel and Hezbollah.

Hospitals in Gaza’s north and south are already struggling, and Israeli advances are making matters worse.


Along with reports of a surgeon being shot and a medical aid worker being stripped and beaten, Israeli forces have surrounded two hospitals in recent days, and bombs have fallen close to two more, severely impairing Gaza’s already fragile health system, aid and health officials said on Tuesday.

Armed groups and Israeli forces engaged in fierce fighting close to a small hospital in both on Monday and the weekend in northern Gaza.

According to a report by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Israeli troops and tanks surround the hospital, Kamal Adwan, which is home to 65 patients, including 12 children in critical care.

While it’s unclear how much more aid will enter Gaza, Israel is expanding its inspections of aid supplies.

Tuesday morning saw Israel open a second inspection point for trucks delivering humanitarian aid from abroad to Gaza; however, it was not immediately apparent if more supplies would eventually be permitted entry into the enclave hit by conflict.


Inspections conducted at the Kreme Shalom border crossing will enable twice

The quantity of aid that, in accordance with Israel’s agency overseeing policy for the Palestinian territories, known as COGAT, must be inspected and approved by Israeli officials before being allowed to enter Gaza.

However, as they have done since the start of the conflict, the Israeli military and COGAT stressed in a statement late on Monday that supplies would not enter Gaza through Kerem Shalom but rather through Egypt.

Israel has severely curtailed the supply line to Gaza since the attacks on Israel on October 7, which were spearheaded by Hamas, provoked a full-scale clash.

Israel has maintained that supplies, particularly fuel, might end up in the hands of militants affiliated with Hamas.

But after weeks of mounting international pressure to lessen Gaza’s deteriorating humanitarian situation, it decided to use a second inspection point emergency.

Kreme Shalom is located much closer to Nitzana, the other crossing where Israel had been conducting inspections up until now, than it is to Rafah, the Egyptian border point where all aid enters Gaza.

According to a representative of the Egyptian Red Crescent, which is in charge of coordinating the delivery of aid into Gaza, dozens of trucks were awaiting inspection at Kerem Shalom on Tuesday morning.

Since they were not authorized to speak with the news media, the person requested to remain anonymous.

A second inspection site would be “a huge boost” for humanitarian aid deliveries, according to remarks made last week by Martin Griffiths, the chief humanitarian officer for the United Nations.

The U.N. humanitarian effort in Gaza, he continued, “is no longer a functioning one” due to the fierce fighting and Israeli military restrictions on

Aid cannot be delivered outside of Rafah, which is Gaza’s southernmost region, due to road traffic.

The United Nations reports that the conflict has displaced almost 1.9 million people, or more than 85 percent of Gaza’s population. Infectious diseases are spreading, food is in short supply, and shelters are overcrowded.

“The aid operation in southern Gaza has been severely impacted largely due to the expansion of the Israeli forces’ military operation,” stated UNRWA, the United Nations agency in charge of providing aid to Palestinian refugees.

Allegations that Israel is impeding the relief effort and creating obstacles in the supply route into Gaza have been refuted.

Prior to using Kerem Shalom for inspections on Monday, COGAT posted an image on social media that it claimed depicted a line of

trucks positioned at the Rafah crossing, accusing the UN of failing to provide Gaza with the aid that it has authorized.

The post stated, “The U.N. must do better.”

“The people need the aid, and it is available” From El-Arish, Egypt, Mourad Hijazy provided reporting assistance.

— Talya Minsberg from Tel Aviv, a reporter

“Everyone is ill” Contagious illnesses proliferated throughout Gaza.

Health officials and relief organizations reported on Monday that infectious diseases are wreaking havoc on Gaza’s population, citing the region’s chilly, rainy climate, crowded shelters, scarcity of food, contaminated water, and lack of medication.

Coverage of the Israel-Hamas Conflict by Us

The State of the War: Israeli officials warned that increased attacks on northern Israel could result from fighting raging in three areas of Gaza that they described as Hamas strongholds.

by Lebanon’s Hezbollah might force a strong reaction.

Devastated Border Community

The Oct. 7 attack, spearheaded by Hamas, left Kibbutz Kfar Aza completely destroyed, with many of its residents being killed or abducted. Some regard the kibbutz’s chances of rehabilitation as a predictor of Israel’s future.

“We Are All Sick”

According to health officials and relief organizations, infectious diseases are wreaking havoc on Gaza’s population, citing the region’s cold, rainy climate along with a shortage of food, clean water, and toilets.

A costly gamble

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wagered for years that maintaining peace would be achieved by providing billions of dollars in funding from Qatar to Hamas.

The attacks of October 7 have prompted a brutal reevaluation of that policy.

Harvesting the Gains

Although a large portion of while Israel’s relations with the Arab world are strained and the idea of a Palestinian state is once again on the Western agenda, Gaza lies in ruins and Hamas has gained prominence among Palestinians.


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