Less Month Before:1New Primary Haley Returns Distance with Trump.


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Less Month Before:1New Primary Haley Returns Distance with Trump.
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With less than a month to go before the state’s first-in-the-nation primary, Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley will make her way back to the campaign trail on Wednesday for a three-day swing through New Hampshire.

After gaining the highly sought-after endorsement of well-liked New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu—which her campaign described as “the latest evidence of Nikki’s growing momentum”—Haley is making her first trip back to the Granite State.

Less Month Before:1New Primary Haley Returns Distance with Trump.
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Less Month Before


This week, Sununu, who has long expressed his disapproval of Trump’s candidacy, is anticipated to campaign alongside Haley in an effort to position the former governor of South Carolina as the greatesta substitute for the outgoing president before the primary on January 23.

Less Month Before:1New Primary Haley Returns Distance with Trump.
Less Month Before
Less Month Before


Raw video: Nikki Haley responds to a question regarding the reason behind the Civil War at a Berlin town hall.
In a Berlin town hall, Nikki Haley responds to a question regarding the beginning of the Civil War.


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