Marijuana-Related:1Offenses Biden Pardons More Now



Marijuana-Related:1Offenses Biden Pardons More Now



President Biden on Friday issued an edict pardoning individuals found guilty of “additional offenses” pertaining to the possession and use of marijuana in accordance with D.C. and federal law.

Why this matters The announcement expands on a similar move made by Biden the previous year to pardon thousands of people found guilty of federal charges related to simple possession of marijuana.

During his campaign, the president pledged to use clemency for drug-related and nonviolent crimes.

Marijuana-Related:1Offenses Biden Pardons More Now

With Friday’s proclamation, thousands of people who were convicted of marijuana-related offenses in federal and D.C. courts for other categories are pardoned.

What he’s saying is: “Our misguided approach to marijuana has turned too many lives upside down. It’s time for us to make these mistakes right,” Biden stated in the statement.

“I have used my clemency power more than any other person,” he continued at this stage of their administration, a recent predecessor has.”

Marijuana-Related:1Offenses Biden Pardons More Now

In summary, eleven individuals who were serving “disproportionately long sentences for non-violent drug offenses” had their sentences revoked by the president on Friday.

Four of the men on the list had life sentences pending charges of distributing cocaine.
“All of them would have been eligible to receive significantly lower sentences if they were charged with the same offense today,” Biden stated.

Marijuana-Related:1Offenses Biden Pardons More Now

Context: During his 2020 campaign, Biden stated that he would support decriminalization of marijuana, even though he has not officially endorsed attempts to legalize it at the federal level outside of medical use.

He gave the Department of Health and Human Services the task of researching moving the drug from Schedule I (where it was classified alongside heroin) to Schedule III in 2022.

The division suggested completing the change earlier this year, but according to Marijuana Moment, the Drug Enforcement Administration now has the last say.

Marijuana-Related:1Offenses Biden Pardons More Now



This month, a number of Democratic governors pushed for the United States to proceed with reclassification by the end of 2023.

Zoom out: The legalization of marijuana has long been supported by numerous Democrats and activists. For example, the ACLU has claimed that criminalization has led to mass incarceration and that people of color have been disproportionately affected by it.

In 2022, the House passed a bill decriminalizing marijuana on a federal level and permitting the expungement of certain marijuana-related convictions.

Marijuana-Related:1Offenses Biden Pardons More Now

Though Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) supports legalization, the Senate’s efforts have stalled.

What’s being observed: The National Conference of State Legislatures states that there are twenty-four states, two territories, and the District of Columbia have made cannabis use for recreational purposes legal.

Marijuana-Related:1Offenses Biden Pardons More Now



A November Gallup poll found that a record 70% of Americans, including majorities in all political groups, are in favor of legalizing marijuana.

Editor’s note: The number of people the proclamation pardons has been added to this story.


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