News:1Biden campaign is preparing last-minute push the South Carolina primary Now


News:1Biden campaign is preparing last-minute push the South Carolina primary Now


In order to increase participation and strengthen the campaign overall before the Democratic primary on February 3, President Biden’s reelection campaign is preparing a push in South Carolina in January, three people familiar with the plans tell Axios.

Why this matters This is a change for the Biden campaign, which had previously left the South Carolina primary to the state party and concentrated on the battleground states for the general election.

News:1Biden campaign is preparing last-minute push the South Carolina primary

The action is taken as polls indicate that the president is having difficulty inspiring passion.
South Carolina has never placed first in a presidential primary before. Democrats in South Carolina want to be enthusiastic in order to hold the top spot in upcoming elections.

News-making apparatus: The campaign and the as polls indicate that the base is not very enthusiastic about Biden’s reelection, the Democratic National Committee is organizing a show of party unity that will feature prominent surrogates.

News:1Biden campaign is preparing last-minute push the South Carolina primary


One party source claims that the plans are still in flux and that not all of the events have been set in stone.
Democrats who plan to run for president in the future and who will gain from participating in the state’s campaign could serve as surrogates.

According to the AP, Vice President Harris will be in Myrtle Beach to give a speech at the African Methodist Episcopal Church’s yearly women’s retreat.

News:1Biden campaign is preparing last-minute push the South Carolina primary

J.B. Pritzker, the governor of Illinois, isn’t scheduled to visit South Carolina, but he would probably do so if asked, a spokesman for the governor told Axios.

The Biden team chose not to respond.



In between the words: The Biden group hopes to display a party in the state that resurrected the president’s 2020 candidacy was cohesive and ardent.

The plans follow the recent hiring of a South Carolina leadership team by the Biden campaign in advance of the primary.
The campaign announced in early December that Biden’s team had appointed Scott Harriford as state director and Clay Middleton and Jalisa Washington-Price as political advisers.

News:1Biden campaign is preparing last-minute push the South Carolina primary


According to two people familiar with the situation, South Carolina native Jamie Harrison, the chair of the DNC, has played a major role in organizing the late push.

In summary, Biden has minimal opposition in the state but would gain from a large turnout and demonstration of support.

Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.), the primary opponent, briefly campaigned in the state but is now scheduled to mostly avoid the competition, according to CNN.


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