Nikki Haley: leads Trump by 4% in the New Hampshire poll.


Nikki Haley

Nikki Haley: leads Trump by 4% in the New Hampshire poll.

Nikki Haley
Nikki Haley


In a recent survey of New Hampshire presidential voters, Nikki Haley has surged to within 4% of former President Donald Trump, suggesting that the Republican primary may still include some surprising turns.

In the Fox News poll, the former UN ambassador came in second to Trump at 33% with a score of 29%. Former governor of New Jersey Chris Christie finished third with 13% of the vote, while governor of Florida Ron DeSantis received a pitiful 6% of the vote, narrowly surpassing Vivek Ramaswamy’s 5%.

Nikki Haley: leads Trump by 4% in the New Hampshire poll.

The survey is the second one that has put Haley within striking distance of Trump in New Hampshire, and it was released as she was enjoying a surge thanks to popular Granite State Governor Chris Sununu.

Sununu tweeted, “(Nikki Haley) is closing in on Donald Trump.”

“This race is between two people.”

In a brief statement on his social media page, Trump called Haley names and described the poll as “fake.”

In addition, he called Sununu “unpopular” despite having excellent bipartisan approval ratings.

In polls conducted both nationally and in Iowa, which hosts the GOP caucus on January 15, Haley and DeSantis are roughly tied.

Nikki Haley: leads Trump by 4% in the New Hampshire poll.

Nikki Haley
Nikki Haley


In both the Hawkeye State and the entire country, Trump continues to lead the race.

Haley’s main plan, which is still an extremely long shot, is to catch DeSantis in Iowa before giving Trump a strong blow in New Hampshire.

That might make it possible for her to take on Trump one-on-one in her native South Carolina and the states that will follow Super Tuesday.


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