Organizations File:1Lawsuits Against A New Texas Law Permits Police


Organizations File

Organizations File:1Lawsuits Against A New Texas Law Permits Police

Organizations file lawsuits against a new Texas law that permits police to detain undocumented immigrants
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Organizations File


On Tuesday, the president of Mexico and the White House publicly opposed a new Texas law that would give police the authority to detain undocumented immigrants and give local judges the authority to order them to leave the nation.

Additionally on Tuesday, the largest border county in Texas and civil rights organizations filed a lawsuit, claiming that the immigration law that Republican Governor Greg Abbott had signed into law less than 24 hours earlier exceeded constitutional limits on the authority of the United States government.

Organizations File:1Lawsuits Against A New Texas Law Permits Police

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Organizations File


The Texas law, which goes into effect in March, may serve as a litmus test for how strictly a state can control immigration in the face of an increase in unauthorized crossings in rural areas that has increased the pressure on Congress to resolve the asylum dispute.

Texas is taking extreme measures, according to Abbott, who stated on Tuesday, because the state is angry about the immigration policies of the Biden administration.

Karin Jean-Pierre, the press secretary for the White House, attacked the state’s strategy as being excessive and dehumanizing to immigrants.

Organizations File:1Lawsuits Against A New Texas Law Permits Police

She would not say if the law would be challenged by the Justice Department she declared, “This is not who we are as a nation.”

El Paso County, the Texas Civil Rights Project, and the American Civil Liberties Union filed the lawsuit in federal court in Austin.

It was brought against the director of the Texas Department of Public Safety, whose troopers had the authority to detain immigrants, as well as the district attorney’s office in El Paso County would perhaps bring legal action in that border town.

Bill Hicks, the district attorney for El Paso County, said he was unaware that his own county would sue him when he awoke on Tuesday.

Organizations File:1Lawsuits Against A New Texas Law Permits Police

He informed reporters that the case might wind up in the US Supreme Court, a development that some Texas Republicans applaud despite their continued support for the law’s constitutionality.

Citing the ongoing litigation, a DPS spokesperson declined to comment in an email on Tuesday.

On Monday, Abbott ratified the legislation in front of a Brownville border fence. Two signs, one in Spanish and the other in English, warned of danger ahead: It is not permitted to cross here. punishable by deportation or incarceration.

Organizations File:1Lawsuits Against A New Texas Law Permits Police

Republican state representative David Spiller, who served as the Texas House majority leader, stated in a Tuesday interview that, even though the law might be applied statewide, the great majority of arrests made under it would take place 50 miles (80 kilometers) or less from the border.

According to him, there must be proof that someone is crossing the border illegally, whether it comes from footage captured by border cameras or direct observation from an officer.

According to Spiller, “I think Texas and other states have the absolute right to enforce their borders.”

Acting Commissioner Troy Miller of U.S. Customs and Border Patrol reports that the number of illegal crossings has exceeded 10,000 on several days this month. He describes the daily arrivals as “unprecedented.”

Any Texas law enforcement official may make an arrest of someone they suspect of entering the nation illegally thanks to this measure.

After being taken into custody, they could accept the order of a Texas judge to depart the country or face prosecution for the misdemeanor offense of illegal entry.

If they stay, migrants may be arrested again and charged with more serious felonies.
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Organizations File


Critics have dubbed it the most dramatic attempt by a state to control immigration since the U.S. Supreme Court largely overturned a 2010 Arizona law known as the “Show Me Your Papers” bill.

The lawsuit refers to a 2012 ruling by the Supreme Court regarding the Arizona law, which held that the federal government is the only entity with authority over immigration.

Organizations File:1Lawsuits Against A New Texas Law Permits Police

Adriana Piñon, the legal director of the ACLU of Texas, stated in a statement that the bill “overrides bedrock constitutional principles and flouts federal immigration law while harming Texans, in particular Brown and Black communities” declaration.

A travel advisory alert was released earlier on Tuesday by ACLU affiliates in Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arkansas, Louisiana, Arizona, Texas, San Diego, and Imperial Counties in California.

It warned travelers that passing through Texas may put their civil and constitutional rights at risk.

Andrés Manuel López Orator, the president of Mexico, expressed concern that the law might result in family division and racial profiling.

He charged Abbott with using people’s lives as a political prop.

In addition, Texas has installed razor wire along the banks of the Rio Grande and bussed over 65,000 migrants to cities across the United States since August 2022 as part of Abbott’s border security measures.


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