Pro-Palestinian:1Demonstrators Storm Through NYC Now


Pro-Palestinian:1Demonstrators Storm Through NYC Now


Pro-Palestinian demonstrators storm through NYC with a blood-red mock Nativity scene, chanting “Christmas is canceled.” Fighting breaks out, and arrests are made. Their goal is to “cancel” Christmas.

Pro-Palestinian:1Demonstrators Storm Through NYC Now

Monday saw a gathering of hundreds of pro-Palestinian demonstrators in Midtown, carrying a mock Nativity scene painted red and shouting, “Christmas is canceled here.”

Using the Arabic term for “rebellion” or “uprising,” the roughly 500 demonstrators chanted, “Long live the intifada,” as they surrounded the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree, where people were celebrating the holiday.

One of the protesters’ signs read, “While Ur Shopping Bombs are Dropping.”


Another said, “No Joy In Genocide,” written above the makeshift Nativity scene that some of the protestors were carrying on their shoulders and that was covered in what looked to be fake blood.

An after dusk, there were a few skirmishes in the crowd, notably outside St. Patrick’s Cathedral, which prompted police to run through the crowd.

Law enforcement sources claim that during the altercation between protesters and police near Grand Central Station and Union Square, at least six arrests—four for disorderly conduct, one for menacing, and one for graffiti—were made.

Pro-Palestinian:1Demonstrators Storm Through NYC 

There were still dozens of protesters in Union Square on Monday night, waving the Palestinian flag, as the crowd dwindled. There was at least one instance of someone being detained by the police.

They slapped stickers reading “Free Palestine,” “Zionism is terrorism,” and “Murdered by Israel” on the facade of the Union Square Holiday Market.

Pro-Palestinian:1Demonstrators Storm Through NYC Now

Some scribbled pro-Palestine phrases, such as “Globalize the Intifada: From NY to Gaza,” “Netanyahu is a warmonger,” and “Israel kills infants.

The demonstration was just the most recent anti-Israel march to occur in New York City following the surprise attack by Hamas on October 7, which precipitated the Israeli government’s counterattack in the Gaza Strip.


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