Republicans Give Colorado:1Decision Christmas Present to Trump Now


Republicans Give Colorado
Republicans Give Colorado:1Decision Christmas Present to Trump Now
Republicans Give Colorado
Republicans Give Colorado


There are members of the congressional GOP today who are ardent supporters of Donald Trump, lawmakers who are prepared to move past the former president, and lawmakers who will say or do anything regarding Trump as long as it means they will be able to retain their positions.

Regardless of their political affiliation, Republican lawmakers are uniting to present the former president with a substantial gift during the holiday season.

This is due to the fact that Republicans are scurrying to support Trump and inform their constituents that the Colorado Supreme Court’s ruling to bar Trump from the state’s 2024 primary ballot was too far gone.

Republicans Give Colorado:1Decision Christmas Present to Trump Now

Numerous congressional Republicans have criticized the decision and called for the U.S.

Supreme Court to overturn it since Colorado’s highest court decided that Trump was disqualified from the ballot for breaking the 14th Amendment’s ban on holding office for those who have “engaged in insurrection.”

However, a wide range of Republicans have gone farther in supporting Trump.

Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC)—hardly a close ally of the outgoing president and a widely mistrusted figure in MAGAworld—introduced legislation barely hours after the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision.

Republicans Give Colorado:1Decision Christmas Present to Trump Now
Republicans Give Colorado
Republicans Give Colorado


The legislation was meant to prevent organizations like the Colorado Supreme Court from issuing rulings similar to the one it issued last week.

Tillis’ plan would restrict the Supreme Court, which now has a conservative 6-3 majority, to determine these ballot questions.

Tillis said in a statement, “It is outrageous to see left-wing activists make a mockery of our political system by scheming with partisan state officials and pressuring judges to remove former President Donald Trump from the ballot, regardless of whether you support or oppose him.”

Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT), who has been a staunch supporter of Trump and is the chair of the Senate GOP’s campaign arm, announced that he intended “to send a letter to the US Supreme Court asking them to immediately reverse this blatant election interference for the sake of our democracy.”

Republicans Give Colorado:1Decision Christmas Present to Trump Now

In a development that is typical of this Republican-controlled House, supporters of Trump started threatening to use congressional power to punish Democrats as well as to overturn the Colorado ruling.

Republicans on the other side of the MAGA divide were forced to join because the rhetoric was being pushed so far to the right.
Supporter of Ron DeSantis for president, Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX), tweeted on Tuesday that taking Trump off the ballot is “spurious, likely unconstitutional, & a sadly predictable, but outrageous form of lawfare.”

That same day, Trump publicly courted a primary opponent to run against him by calling Roy a “RINO” and disparaging him.

Republicans taking the grave-sounding but essentially pointless step of filing bills to address the Colorado ruling is unlikely to have any significant impact.

Republicans Give Colorado:1Decision Christmas Present to Trump Now

Trump’s appeal will be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court in January, which will be the last word on the matter.

However, Republicans’ blatant displays of indignation or worry over the decision reveal a cold calculation: it’s a quick and simple way for everyone, from the MAGA ardent to the suspected RINO, to gain favor with the party base.

Leading Democrat on the House Oversight Committee, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), expressed surprise that Republicans in Congress would argue that this is in some way undemocratic to The Daily Beast.

Republicans Give Colorado:1Decision Christmas Present to Trump Now

“Republicans filed the Colorado lawsuit in order to prevent a Republican insurrectionist from being listed on a Republican primary ballot,” Raskin stated to The Daily Beast.

In its plain textualist and originalist interpretation of Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment, which Republicans added to the Constitution in the nineteenth century, the Colorado Supreme Court to discover that Trump’s attempt to rig the 2020 election is obviously ineligible.

“What could be more democratic than a Constitution which disqualifies officials who become insurrectionists and traitors to the democracy?” asked constitutional law expert Raskin.

Raskin went on, “The Constitution does not trust him to take office again.” He cannot access it.

Nevertheless, not all Democrats were happy with the Colorado decision.

The Democratic candidate for president in 2024, Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN), stated on X that he thinks Trump is responsible for inciting a rebellion. Do I think that Colorado’s decision to bar him from the ballot without a conviction was incorrect? Of course,” he continued.

The GOP’s gracious interpretation of the decision is that it was the ruling by the state high court in Colorado, which has been harshly critical of the former president, was so egregious that it brought the party together.

Rep. Ken Buck, who is retiring, even tweeted his disapproval of the ruling.
Republicans Give Colorado
Republicans Give Colorado


The response also neatly fell into the comfort zone that much of the congressional GOP had become accustomed to during the Trump administration: focusing on the purported mistakes and overreach of his opponents rather than openly lamenting the former president’s mistakes and overreach with the Colorado ruling, that anti-Trump faction had a field day.

For example, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) wrote on X that “other countries are facing sanctions from the U.S. for doing exactly what the Colorado Supreme Court did today.”

Republicans Give Colorado:1Decision Christmas Present to Trump Now

The political motivations for reconciling with Trump, for example, Strong Republicans and some Democrats exist.

Republicans continue to value Trump’s primary endorsement, and those who back him in the primary are unlikely to forget even the smallest admissions of apparent betrayal.

For example, Tillis might easily encounter opposition from the right if he seeks reelection in 2026. The ruling was swiftly attacked by Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC), who is certain to face a primary due to her perceived slight from either the Trump base or former Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

She tweeted, “Due process and rule of law are being tossed out the window by people hell bent on ‘getting’ Pres Trump.”

However, Democrats stand to gain from finding a means to support Trump in a something akin to the Colorado decision.

Even though Democrats still view Trump as a major threat, it’s crucial for lawmakers to create a problem to bolster their independent credentials and demonstrate that they are willing to support the opposition party rather than automatically oppose him.

Republicans Give Colorado:1Decision Christmas Present to Trump Now
Republicans Give Colorado
Republicans Give Colorado


Despite initial polls indicating that the majority of voters support the Colorado decision, a Democrat could easily contend that they would feel more at ease if Trump were found guilty of a crime before being disqualified from office.

Some Democrats may find that position especially appealing given the consensus among legal experts that the Colorado ruling will be overturned by the Supreme Court.

In fact, that probability highlights the free pass Republicans get to convey their message regarding the decision.

In the event that Congress does not take action on this matter, and since the Supreme Court will take swift action anyhow, Republicans might as well gain favor with MAGA supporters.

And Republicans are happy to give Trump a victory on this one, based on the deluge of GOP messaging.


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