Speech in Nevada:1Trump Takes Aim at Undocumented Immigrants Now


Speech in Nevada Trump i'm waco

Speech in Nevada:1Trump Takes Aim at Undocumented Immigrants Now

In a speech in Nevada, Trump takes aim at undocumented immigrants, evoking anti-immigrant sentiment in states that are crucial for elections.

pexels george milton 6953929During a Sunday campaign stop in Nevada, former President Donald Trump disparaged undocumented immigrants, escalating his anti-immigrant rhetoric ahead of the GOP nominating contest that begins next month.

Speaking to a crowd of supporters in Reno, the front-runner for the Republican nomination fueled fears about migrants crossing the US-Mexico border and cited instances of what he claimed were undocumented immigrants committing violent crimes in the US.

Speech in Nevada:1Trump Takes Aim at Undocumented Immigrants Now

Trump Aim Trump i'm waco
Trump Aim Trump i’m waco


In Nevada, the state with the third-highest number of Latino voters on the GOP nomination schedule, he asserted that immigrants were “invading” the US from foreign jails and “mental institutions” and restated his commitment to carrying out the “biggest deportation campaign in American history.”

Trump is resorting to the same anti-immigrant rhetoric he used to win the nomination in 2016 in the final weeks before voting starts, and he is encountering criticism reminiscent of that campaign.

The previous day, at a campaign stop in New Hampshire, the former president reiterated remarks that were denounced for their associations with White supremacist rhetoric, claiming that undocumented immigrants were “poisoning the blood of our country.”

This was the day before he made his speech in Reno.

Speech in Nevada Trump i'm waco
Speech in Nevada Trump i’m waco

Chris Christie, a GOP opponent in 2024, immediately criticized him for his remarks on Saturday.

According to the former governor of New Jersey, Trump was “dog whistling” when he blamed the stress brought on by international conflicts and the state of the economy “on individuals from regions that don’t resemble our own.”

Christie declared on CNN’s “State of the Union” that “he is disgusting.”
Speech in Nevada Trump i'm waco
Speech in Nevada Trump i’m waco


Trump’s lead among GOP base voters is still substantial despite a plethora of legal challenges that could complicate election year; the former president’s team is making a concerted effort to hold onto this lead, as evidenced by their flurry of travel to early contest states like Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada.

Many of the measures that Trump has promised to take to further his administration’s strict immigration policies were laid out on Sunday.

These include the transfer of “thousands of troops currently stationed overseas to our own southern border” and the conversion of “massive portions of federal law enforcement to immigration enforcement.”

Speech in Nevada:1Trump Takes Aim at Undocumented Immigrants Now

Speech in Nevada Trump i'm waco
Speech in Nevada Trump i’m waco


The former president promised to bring back and increase travel bans he first imposed in 2017 against a number of countries with a majority of Muslims and African countries.

According to CNN, Trump’s possible plans for a second term include apprehending undocumented immigrants who are currently in the country and holding them in detention facilities until their deportation.

Following campaign stops in Iowa and New Hampshire, the Nevada appearance is scheduled to take place on Tuesday.

In an attempt to guarantee a high turnout in the state’s February caucuses, Trump advised his followers on Sunday to “pretend we’re losing.”


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