Suspect in Arlington :T22 Home Explosion is Thought To be Dead


Suspect in Arlington Home Explosion is Thought To be Dead 

Suspect in Arlington home explosion is thought to be dead as more information becomes available.

Suspect in Arlington
Suspect in ArlingtonPresumptively dead, the man is believed to have posted troubling content on social media before he fired a flare gun from an Arlington, Virginia, home numerous times on Monday night, causing a powerful explosion that shook the neighborhood.

At a press conference on Tuesday afternoon, Arlington County Police Chief Andy Penn stated that James Yoo, 56, had fired a “flare-type gun” from inside the duplex more than thirty times.

Penn stated that at approximately 4:45 p.m. on Monday, police were called to the duplex on North Burlington Street where Yoo resided in response to reports of gunfire.

Police obtained a search warrant after they were unable to get in contact with Yoo.

Yoo remained inside without answering when police tried to reach him over the phone and through loudspeakers, according to the police.

Then, according to Penn, several shots were fired at the officers as they attempted to break through the front door of the house and carry out the search warrant.

Suspect in Arlington :T22 Home Explosion is Thought To be Dead

“Despite the ongoing threat to themselves, ACPD staff continued to try and engage with the suspect to safely bring them into custody,” Penn stated.

According to Penn, the officers were unable to identify the intended target or the source of the alleged gunfire. They started dropping less deadly, nonflammable chemical bombs on various parts of the house where they thought the suspect might be hiding.

The house then burst into flames and debris that shot two stories into the air at around 8:30 p.m.
According to police, three officers received minor injuries. According to Penn, no major injuries occurred.

About 90 minutes prior to the explosion, according to Assistant Fire Chief Jason Jenkins, the authorities evacuated the residents in the vicinity and turned off the gas supply to the house.

Regarding the explosion, he declared, “I’m not going to speculate on cause or origin.”

According to Jenkins, “the fire department personnel absolutely saved lives” by helping the neighborhood’s residents evacuate.

Suspect has a history of lawsuits and complaints

Suspect in Arlington
Suspect in Arlington


Penn stated that although Yoo is thought to be dead, a medical examiner will identify any human remains discovered at the scene and ascertain the cause and manner of death.

Authorities said that during the hours-long standoff that preceded the explosion, Yoo’s neighbors on one side of the duplex were assisted in leaving by first responders.

Penn stated that his department was researching Yoo’s social media past and that an inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the explosion was still underway.

Suspect in Arlington :T22 Home Explosion is Thought To be Dead


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“We are aware of concerning social media posts allegedly made by the suspect, and these will be reviewed as part of the ongoing criminal investigation,” Penn stated.

Yoo voiced his complaints about a number of people in his life in public. He recently shared paranoid tirades about his neighbors and a former coworker on LinkedIn.

In addition, he sued his younger sister, the New York Supreme Court, a moving company, and his ex-wife in several federal court cases that were later dismissed as frivolous.

Four lawsuits filed between 2018 and 2022 were all dismissed, and judges referred to some of them as “confusing” or “convoluted.”

Yoo claimed he was committed against his will and filed a 163-page federal lawsuit in New York in 2018 against his former spouse, his younger sister, and a hospital. Yoo accused them of a number of crimes, including deprivation of his rights and conspiracy.


Suspect in Arlington :T22 Home Explosion is Thought To be Dead

In addition to biographical details like who attended his wedding, the extensive complaint also included information about the US president at the time. Yoo talked about how, “against his will,” his ex-wife took him to Rochester General Hospital in November 2015.

Yoo denied ever experiencing depression or suicidal thoughts. He claimed he never wrote the suicide note that was mentioned in hospital records and left for his wife.

Yoo also mentioned numerous attempts to get in touch with the FBI. He wrote that he thought a reporter from the New York Times that he saw on TV was someone who had visited his home in 2017 and claimed to be an FBI agent.

He claimed the individual threatened to file a harassment complaint against him if he made any more attempts to get in touch with a U.S. Attorney in western New York.

The assistant director in charge of the FBI’s Washington Field Office, David Sandburg, stated that Yoo had previously corresponded with the agency over a period of years through letters, phone calls, and internet tips.

“I would characterize these communications as primarily complaints about alleged frauds he believed were perpetrated against him,” Sundburg stated. “The information contained therein and the nature of those communications did not lead to opening any FBI investigations.”

“We felt as though we were attacked.”

The house collapses and erupts into flames in this amazing video.

There were police cars parked outside the brick home. Abruptly, a blast flares up, destroying the front porch. Car alarms go off, flames erupt, and the roof flies skyward, sparking and raining debris. There are shouts of disbelief from people as billowing clouds of black smoke are heard.

A SWAT team can be seen in the video that neighboring homeowner Sam Kim took of them attempting to talk the suspect out of the house.

It sounds like someone is saying, “Come to the front door with your hands up,” in the video.

Kim claimed to have overheard the police using a megaphone to speak with the suspect. They refused to leave, and they asked him to leave in a calm manner.

He also heard gunshots, a blast, and them using a battering ram on the front door.

After that, we retreated. It knocked down a few windows and made my housemate and I fall backwards,” Kim remarked.

Numerous neighbors reported feeling and hearing the massive explosion.


“I was in the back of my house, and I had been hearing prior to this some sort of firecracker sorts of sounds, and then suddenly there’s a loud boom, and my entire house is shaking,” Ann-Elise Quinn, a neighbor, said. “All the lights went off immediately.”

A resident reported hearing “gunshot-sounding things” shortly after she and her roommate arrived home in the neighborhood.

It felt like we were attacked a few moments later. Sarah Wilhoite remarked, “I was shoved forward.”

They noticed flames outside and fled. She described it as “really scary.” “We had the distinct impression that something was attacking us.”

Concussion was audible, according to local Bob Maynes. “In my fifty years here, I have never encountered anything like that.”
Quinn claimed that when she first noticed flares coming from the house in the afternoon, she might have been “goofing off on an afternoon.”

However, after around twenty of them, I begin to feel concerned. “Perhaps someone ought to contact the police,” she remarked.

Suspect in Arlington :T22 Home Explosion is Thought To be Dead

“There was a police unit that was going down the street and then took a turn around the corner down to the cul-de-sac where he was, and it looked like they gave him a talking to.”

As of 10:40 p.m. Arlington County firefighters were in control of the fire and fighting smaller spot fires. The location is north of Wilson Boulevard and roughly 0.5 miles west of the Ballston-MU Metro station.
The ongoing investigation is being assisted by the ATF’s Washington Field Division and the FBI’s Washington Field Office.

According to a spokeswoman, the White House kept an eye on the house explosion’s developments.

“We are praying for the police officers hurt in that blast,” Olivia Dalton, the principal deputy press secretary for the White House, said to reporters on Air Force One on Tuesday. “We appreciate how quickly law enforcement handled that situation.”

On Tuesday, the area’s streets remained closed.


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