The Executive Committee: T4 Harvard Alumni Association requests that Governing Boards publicly support President Claudine Gay.


The Executive Committee: T4 Harvard Alumni Association requests that Governing Boards publicly support President Claudine Gay.
The Executive Committee: T4 Harvard Alumni Association requests that Governing Boards publicly support President Claudine Gay.
The Executive Committee: T4 Harvard Alumni Association requests that Governing Boards publicly support President Claudine Gay.
The Executive Committee: T4 Harvard Alumni Association requests that Governing Boards publicly support President Claudine Gay.


In a letter sent on Monday, the Harvard Alumni Association Executive Committee urged the University’s governing boards to openly support Harvard President Claudine Gay and stated the committee’s unanimity in support of her.

The 13-member committee signed the letter at the same time that the Harvard Corporation and the Board of Overseers, the university’s two governing bodies, convened on Monday to determine Gay’s future as president of the university.

The Executive Committee: T4 Harvard Alumni Association requests that Governing Boards publicly support President Claudine Gay.
The Executive Committee: T4 Harvard Alumni Association requests that Governing Boards publicly support President Claudine Gay.
The Executive Committee: T4 Harvard Alumni Association requests that Governing Boards publicly support President Claudine Gay.


The letter said, “We urge the Harvard University Board of Overseers and Fellows of Harvard College to join us and issue a strong public pledge of support for our exceptional University President.”

The Harvard Corporation, the University’s highest body, issued the statement following governing body — went silent for over five days in response to the fury Gay received for her comments made at a congressional hearing regarding antisemitism on college campuses.

In a letter published on Friday, more than 70 members of Congress demanded that Gay step down. In a statement, the White House chastised Gay for her comments made during the hearing.

The leadership of HAA was not the only source of support

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On Monday, the Corporation received another letter supporting Gay’s continued leadership of the University, signed this time by over a thousand ordinary alumni.

She has made it plain throughout her three decades as a professor and dean that she is dedicated to creating an environment at the university that does not accept bullying or harassment,” the letter said.

“She has never wavered in her commitment to combating racism, Islamophobia, and anti-Semitism, even though the issues at hand are complicated.”

The Executive Committee: T4 Harvard Alumni Association requests that Governing Boards publicly support President Claudine Gay.
The Executive Committee: T4 Harvard Alumni Association requests that Governing Boards publicly support President Claudine Gay.
The Executive Committee: T4 Harvard Alumni Association requests that Governing Boards publicly support President Claudine Gay.


The Executive Committee praised Gay in the HAA letter for expressing regret for her closing remarks during her congressional testimony on Tuesday, which provoked harsh criticism from lawmakers in Washington and on campus.

The letter said, “President Gay is the right leader to guide the University during this challenging time.”

“We have faith that President Gay will courageously and effectively combat antisemitism and other forms of hate.”

On Monday, the governing boards are anticipated to decide whether Gay will continue to lead Harvard.



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