Trump Continues:1Attack Immigrants Says He Never Read Hitler.


Trump Continues

Trump Continues:1Attack Immigrants Says He Never Read Hitler.

“I never read Mein Kompf,” Trump declared to an Iowan audience.

Trump Continues
Trump Continues


Tuesday night, after facing harsh criticism over the weekend for saying similar things, former President Donald Trump repeated his claims that immigrants were “destroying the blood of our country” and denied that he had been inspired by Adolf Hitler.

“They are ruining our nation’s blood” at a gathering in Waterloo, Iowa, on Tuesday, Trump repeated remarks he made on Saturday at a rally in New Hampshire, saying immigrants were “poisoning the blood of our country.” “That’s what they’re doing — they’re destroying our country,” Trump said.

Trump Continues:1Attack Immigrants Says He Never Read Hitler.

Trump Continues
Trump Continues


Tuesday night, after facing harsh criticism over the weekend for saying similar things, former President Donald Trump repeated his claims that immigrants were “destroying the blood of our country” and denied that he had been inspired by Adolf Hitler.

“They are ruining our nation’s blood.”

At a gathering in Waterloo, Iowa, on Tuesday, Trump repeated remarks he made on Saturday at a rally in New Hampshire, saying immigrants were “poisoning the blood of our country.”

“That’s what they’re doing — they’re destroying our country,” Trump said.

President Joe Biden was among those who criticized Trump’s remarks over the weekend, drawing comparisons between their likely opponent in 2024 and the rhetoric of Nazi Germany in the 1930s.

Trump Continues:1Attack Immigrants Says He Never Read Hitler.

The words he uses sound similar to those that are emerging of Germany in the 1930s,” Biden said on Tuesday to reporters.

“He’s referred to his opponents as’vermin,’ and he made reference to poisoning our nation’s blood this past weekend.”

Kamala Harris, the vice president, also made a clear comparison between Trump and Hitler’s rhetoric.

Trump Continues:1Attack Immigrants Says He Never Read Hitler.

“It is language that people have rightly found similar to the language of Hitler,” Harris stated in a Tuesday afternoon interview that MSNBC broadcast following Trump’s speech in Iowa.

“And I believe it’s crucial that we constantly remind each other—including our kids—that a leader’s real strength is determined by who they uplift rather than by who they beat down.”

Harris cited her mother’s experience as an immigrant when she said
Trump Continues
Trump Continues


“There isn’t a query in her reaction to that kind of language would probably be, “We’ve seen this before,” in my opinion. Where this could go, we know. Thus, take a stance and defend what is just.

Trump, however, dismissed the Hitler analogy, asserting that Hitler’s discourse was expressed “in a much different way.”

“I never read Mein Kampf,” he declared to the Iowan crowd. They claimed Hitler stated that, but in a very different context. Instead, they are people traveling from all over the world.

Trump Continues:1Attack Immigrants Says He Never Read Hitler.

We don’t know; they might be extremely ill, they might be well, or they might bring a disease that will spread throughout our nation. But they do attract criminal activity.

They are ruining the nation’s blood, they are destroying the fabric of our nation, and their removal will be necessary.

Members of the former president’s own party also voiced criticism Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas), who has endorsed Florida Gov.

Ron DeSantis as the GOP’s nominee for president in 2024, stated that his party should talk about immigration policy “in terms of what it means to humanity” in an interview with CNN’s Kaitlan Collins.

Trump Continues:1Attack Immigrants Says He Never Read Hitler.

Ron DeSantis, Donald Trump, or any other Republican, he said, “we should be talking about this in terms of what it means to humanity.”

“I think we should be saying that there are human beings suffering, not that we should be discussing this from a perspective of blood or whatever the president said.”


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