Trump is frantically:1Trying to Disqualify Specific Expert Newest E. Jean Carroll lawsuit.


Trump is frantically
Trump is frantically:1Trying to Disqualify Specific Expert Newest E. Jean Carroll lawsuit.
Trump is frantically
Trump is frantically


According to court documents, a Trump attorney from New Jersey requested that a federal judge in New York prevent Ashlee Humphreys from testifying against the former president on the same day that Humphreys gave testimony in D.C. at Giuliani’s defamation trial last week.

Michael Madaio, the Trump defense attorney, wrote to the judge on Wednesday pleading for a last-minute show of grace to prevent what might be a financial coup de grâce for Trump. “This court should simply exclude Dr. Humphreys’ testimony altogether.”

Trump is frantically:1Trying to Disqualify Specific Expert Newest E. Jean Carroll lawsuit.

But given that Humphreys is a real estate mogul who recently finished a trial, the defense team’s motivations for trying to bench him this late in the game seem rather absurd.

about how he greatly overstated his wealth in order to commit bank fraud. They believe Humphreys’ evaluations to be… exaggerated.

Madaio wrote to U.S. District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan, stating, “The damages estimations in her initial report are egregiously inflated (to the tune of millions of dollars), utilize methods which ascribe harm in an unreliable and incorrect manner; and do not accurately reflect the actual harm to plaintiff’s reputation.”

Humphreys isn’t a brand-newcomer to the field.

Trump is frantically
Trump is frantically


The college professor testified about how severely Trump’s public denials damaged the journalist’s reputation when he ghosted his own civil rape trial against Carroll in the spring, which centered mostly on whether the sexual assault actually occurred at a Manhattan department store in the 1990s.

Within Kaplan’s Manhattan federal courtroom, Humphreys outlined her analysis of the media coverage surrounding Trump’s disparaging remarks.

She talked extensively about “reputation repair,” estimating the approximate cost—which was a bit of an awkward construction—of what it would take Carroll to buy comparable TV and online content in order to counter the spread of Trump’s lies using a combination of social media marketing metrics and basic math.

Trump is frantically:1Trying to Disqualify Specific Expert Newest E. Jean Carroll lawsuit.

Humphreys converts digital “impressions” into monetary values. Her total at the end was approximately $2.7 million.

By the time that trial ended, the jury had almost reached that amount. They spent $1.7 million of the $5 million they gave Carroll on Humphreys’ reputation restoration.

But the main focus of that initial Carroll trial was a rather insignificant public remark made by Trump on October.

12, 2022, after he leaves office—a period of time when Trump’s casual remarks weren’t being widely reported by the White House press corps.

The statement didn’t go as far as his early denials as president, despite being posted to both his own website and his Truth Social media network account.

In contrast, the statements that Trump made over the course of a few days beginning on June 21, 2019, will be the main focus of the upcoming Carroll trial in January.

Trump is frantically:1Trying to Disqualify Specific Expert Newest E. Jean Carroll lawsuit.
Trump is frantically
Trump is frantically


This is a person I have never met in my life. Her motivation should be obvious given that she is attempting to promote a new book.

One statement purportedly made by “President Donald J. Trump” stated that it ought to be offered in the fiction section.

He was even more adamant the following day when addressing reporters as he climbed into the presidential helicopter of Marine One.

“It’s an entirely untrue allegation,” he declared. “I have no idea who she is at all. There is a photo where we are exchanging handshakes.

Trump is frantically:1Trying to Disqualify Specific Expert Newest E. Jean Carroll lawsuit.
Trump is frantically
Trump is frantically


It appears to be at an occasion. My coat is on. My spouse is standing beside me. Additionally, her husband was a newscaster, but I didn’t know him.

Considering the elevated prominence of these remarks—made with the weight and scrutiny of an American president—it is understandable why Humphreys’s tiered evaluation for “calculated damages” reached a peak of almost $21 million this time around.

Her expert report was filed as a court exhibit back in February, in a confidential version.
Trump is frantically
Trump is frantically


Now, Trump’s legal team is contesting that evaluation, saying that Humphreys carroll is no longer suing over the third statement that then-President Trump made, but her numbers originally included that alleged harm.

Carroll hasn’t adjusted them down.

Madaio wrote the judge last week, saying, “The initial report no longer aligns with the subject matter of this case.” “Dr. Humphreys evaluates the combined harm of all three statements in the first report, leading to an incorrect and exaggerated assessment of damages.


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