TV ad Spending:1A New Stopped by the Ramaswamy campaign.


TV ad Spending
TV ad Spending:1A New Stopped by the Ramaswamy campaign.


TV ad Spending
TV ad Spending


In advance of the Republican presidential contests next month, NBC News reported on Tuesday that Vivek Ramaswamy’s presidential campaign has stopped spending money on television advertising.

AdImpact, a website that tracks advertising spending, revealed that the campaign of the Republican biotech entrepreneur spent $6,000 last week on TV ads, down from $200,000 during the first week of December, as reported by NBC.

Prior to the fall debates, Ramaswamy was polling third among Republican candidates.

However, his standing drastically declined, and he is now trailing former President Donald Trump, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, and former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie in an ever-diminishing field.

The Ramaswamy campaign revealed a $8 million advertisement purchase in Iowa and New Hampshire in November in an effort to stop his decline.

TV ad Spending:1A New Stopped by the Ramaswamy campaign.
TV ad Spending
TV ad Spending


The season-opening Iowa Caucuses are on January 15, and Ramaswamy hinted at a “big surprise” on Tuesday while downplaying the importance of television advertising.

TV ad Spending:1A New Stopped by the Ramaswamy campaign.
TV ad Spending
TV ad Spending


In response to the news report, Ramaswamy stated on X on Tuesday, “Presidential TV ad spending is idiotic, low-ROI & a trick that political consultants use to bamboozle candidates who suffer from low IQ.”

Our approach is distinct. It seems that following the data when allocating funds is a crazy notion in US politics.


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