Vin Diesel:1Sued by a former assistant Sexual Battery Now


Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel:1Sued by a former assistant Sexual Battery Now

Vin Diesel
Vin Diesel


Actor Vin Diesel’s former assistant filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles today, claiming that in the fall of 2010, while Fast & Furious was filming, the Fast & Furious star sexually assaulted her.

Bryan Freedman, Diesel’s lawyer, said the following in response to Vanity Fair’s request for comment: “To be very clear, Vin Diesel categorically denies this claim in its entirety.

This is the first he has ever heard of the alleged 9-day employee’s over 13-year-old claim. These absurd accusations are totally debunked by abundant evidence.

Vin Diesel:1Sued by a former assistant Sexual Battery Now

Plaintiff Asta Jonasson claims in the Los Angeles-filed lawsuit that Vanity Fair obtained that she was employed by Diesel’s production company, One Race, to assist the actor while Fast Five was being shot in Atlanta.

According to the lawsuit, Jonasson was a recent graduate of the film school program, and part of his job duties included planning parties, going to parties with Diesel, and making sure she was close to him in case he was photographed with women when he attended events without his long-term girlfriend.

According to the lawsuit, Jonasson was asked to wait in Diesel’s suite at the St. Regis hotel late one night in September 2010 while he entertained hostesses he had brought back from a nightclub.

Vin Diesel:1Sued by a former assistant Sexual Battery Now

Vin Diesel
Vin Diesel


The lawsuit states that after the other women left, Diesel “grabbed Ms. Jonasson’s wrists, one with each yanking her onto the bed with his hands.

She begged him to stop, slipped out of his clutches, and waited for him to go out the front door of the suite.

Rather, the lawsuit claims that he went back to Jonasson and, in spite of her entreaties to stop, started to fondle her breasts and kiss her chest.

The lawsuit goes on to say, “Ms. Jonasson was afraid to more forcefully refuse her supervisor, knowing that getting him out of that room was crucial to both her personal safety and job security.”

Vin Diesel:1Sued by a former assistant Sexual Battery Now

“However, this hope was dashed when Vin Diesel bent down, pushed Ms. Jonasson’s dress up to her waist, and touched every part of her body—including her inner thighs and upper legs.”

The lawsuit claims that after Diesel when Diesel pinned Jonasson to the wall and put her hand on his erect penis while she angrily objected, she fled down the hallway toward the bathroom, screaming as she did so.

As “terrified, Ms. Jonasson closed her eyes, trying to dissociate from the sexual assault and avoid angering him,” the lawsuit claims, he masturbated.

Vin Diesel:1Sued by a former assistant Sexual Battery Now

Less than two weeks into her job, the lawsuit claims that Samantha Vincent, the president of One Race and Diesel’s sister, called Jonasson hours later to fire her.

Vin Diesel had used her to satisfy his sexual cravings and she had resisted his sexual assaults, so it was obvious to her that she was being fired because she was no longer useful, the lawsuit claims.

Her “self-esteem was destroyed, and she questioned her own abilities and whether she would have to trade her body for advancement in a successful career.”

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This wasn’t the first improper action that happened.

incident that took place during Jonasson’s employment with Diesel, as per the lawsuit.

A few days prior, according to Jonasson’s lawsuit, she was called to his own room at the St. Regis by another One Race supervisor while she was working. He undressed, got into bed, and yelled, “Come here.”

The suit claims that Jonasson left the room right away.
Vin Diesel
Vin Diesel


In addition to sexual battery, the lawsuit alleges sex/gender discrimination, intentional emotional distress infliction, hostile work environment, wrongful termination, and retaliation.

In addition, it claims that Jonasson “has suffered and continues to suffer humiliation, emotional distress, and mental and physical pain and anguish” and charges Diesel and his production of trying to cover it up.

As stated by the lawsuit, Jonasson remained silent over the following years despite having signed a nondisclosure agreement when she accepted the One Race position.

According to the lawsuit, she was able to bring the claims because of two laws: California’s AB2777, which temporarily waives the statute of limitations for allegations of sexual abuse that occurred in 2009 or later, and the Speak Out Act, which prohibits the enforcement of nondisclosure agreements in cases of sexual assault and harassment.

Vin Diesel:1Sued by a former assistant Sexual Battery Now 

The lawsuit also claims that she was motivated to “reclaim her agency and justice for the suffering she endured at the hands of Vin Diesel and One Race” by the #MeToo and Time’s Up movements.

Jonasson continued his career in the entertainment sector, taking on roles as production coordinator and assistant among others roles.

Born Mark Sinclair, Diesel is most known for his work as the voice of Groot in the Guardians of the Galaxy film series and as Dominic Toretto in the Fast & Furious franchise. He produces several of the Fast & Furious films alongside his sister Samantha.

There has been an update to this story.


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