Warnings of Blizzards:1A New The Northern Plains.


Travel delays

Warnings of Blizzards:1A New The Northern Plains.

Warnings of Blizzards
Warnings of Blizzards


Not alone, I’m sure, did I cross my fingers for a “White Christmas.” That being said, Mother Nature may have listened to your wishes if you reside in Nebraska, South Dakota, or eastern Colorado.

Certain parts of Nebraska and South Dakota could receive more than a foot of snowfall due to a powerful low-pressure system.

Warnings of Blizzards:1A New The Northern Plains.

Unfortunately, this might be more than we anticipated, and travel is likely to be significantly impacted by the timing of this. Up until Wednesday, numerous winter storm and blizzard warnings are in effect.

By Christmas morning, the heavy snowfall begins to take shape. For the majority of Christmas Day, the low will continue to dump snow as it moves backward and retrogrades.

Snow, as well as generally  moisture, will begin to disintegrate during the night of the 25th and 26th.

Warnings of Blizzards:1The Northern Plains 

Warnings of Blizzards
Warnings of Blizzards


The most remarkable total accumulations appear to be near the boundary between central NE and SD.

Travel plans are going to be hampered in large part by blowing snow. During the heaviest part of this snowstorm, we anticipate that travel will be not only very challenging but almost impossible.

Warnings of Blizzards:1A New The Northern Plains.

Warnings of Blizzards
Warnings of Blizzards


The majority of the effects are anticipated to be felt along I-80 and Highway 20 through Nebraska. There’s a chance that South Dakota’s I-90 will experience blizzard conditions.

Visit the DOT websites for South Dakota and Nebraska to stay informed about closures and road conditions.


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