With More Than Week: Remaining in December Surges Above 200K Now


With More Than Week

With More Than Week: Remaining in December Surges Above 200K.

With More Than Week
With More Than Week

With more than a week remaining in December, the number of encounters with migrants at the border surges above 200K.

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) sources tell Fox News that, with more than a week remaining in the month, the number of migrant encounters at the southern border has already surpassed 200,000 for December, with an average of well over 10,000 encounters per day.

Over 200,000 encounters have already occurred in December, according to sources who spoke with Fox. With over 269,000 encounters per month, September set a new record.

With More Than Week: Remaining in December Surges Above 200K.

Over 240,000 interactions occurred in October; the numbers for November have not yet been made public.

Over 252,000 encounters were recorded in December of last year, setting a new monthly record. That figure might quickly surpass that if agents continue to encounter 10,000 newcomers every day until the end of the month.

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) sources tell Fox News that, with more than a week remaining in the month, the number of migrant encounters at the southern border has already surpassed 200,000 for December, with an average of well over 10,000 encounters per day.

With More Than Week: Remaining in December Surges Above 200K.

With More Than Week
With More Than Week




Over 200,000 encounters have already occurred in December, according to sources who spoke with Fox. With over 269,000 encounters per month, September set a new record.

Over 240,000 interactions occurred in October; the numbers for November have not yet been made public.

Over 252,000 encounters were recorded in December of last year, setting a new monthly record. Agents could easily surpass that amount if they continue to deal with 10,000 migrants every day from now until the end of the current month.

The recent increase occurs in the midst of a year in which numerous records for daily, monthly, and fiscal year encounters have been broken; in FY23, there were over 2.4 million encounters overall.

With More Than Week: Remaining in December Surges Above 200K.

Following a surge into Eagle Pass, Texas, on Monday, there were over 12,600 encounters, breaking the record for daily encounters. According to Fox, there were roughly 200 migrants for every agent, according to sources.

Fox News was on the scene in Lukeville, Arizona on Thursday when over 700 illegal immigrants crossed the border in large numbers. Among them were families from Ecuador and Mexico, as well as a significant number of adult males.

Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs declared last week that she was coordinating the National Guard to support federal agents and make an effort to reopen the port of entry in Lukeville, while decrying the federal government’s passivity.

Meanwhile, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has increased the number of migrants he transports to “sanctuary” cities by having them fly into Chicago.

In an effort to halt what he described as a “tidal wave” of illegal immigration, he also signed an immigration bill this week that permits law enforcement to detain undocumented immigrants.

With More Than Week: Remaining in December Surges Above 200K.

Administrators privately inform lawmakers that 5,000 illegal immigrants are released into the United States each day.

Fox News revealed last week that Department of Homeland Security representatives informed lawmakers this month that approximately 670,000 “gotaways”—illegal immigrants who eluded Border Patrol agents—were apprehended in FY23 and that they are freeing 5,000 of these individuals on a regular basis every day to non-governmental groups.

This is on top of the more than 1,600 migrants who are released from detention centers every day and the up to 30,000 people who enter the country illegally each month via the Biden administration’s expanded “lawful pathways” from Haiti, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Cuba.


Republicans have demanded tighter border security and asylum restrictions, blaming the crisis on the administration’s policies, which include rolling back Trump-era border restrictions.

The administration has stated that, while it is pursuing a strategy of broadening those pathways and toughening penalties for illegal entry, it is also addressing a crisis that affects the entire hemisphere and requires more funding as well as immigration reform legislation from the Congress.

20,000 migrants were detained over the weekend, including gang members and sexual offenders.
Congress is debating a larger $106 billion supplemental funding request, which includes a $14 billion request for border funding.

With More Than Week: Remaining in December Surges Above 200K.

With More Than Week
With More Than Week


Republicans are pressing for tighter restrictions on humanitarian parole and stricter asylum requirements.

Although the Biden administration has allegedly stated that it is amenable to increased deportations and Title 42-style authority, it is unclear whether such a deal can be reached given the likelihood of resistance from Republicans who argue that it is insufficient and Democrats who have opposed such limits.

Congressmen who are negotiating have expressed hope that


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